@Jagvar: Fracas is the name of Misfits cover band around here...
@Jagvar: Fracas is the name of Misfits cover band around here...
I'm always on my best behavior on planes because I too am swarthy...I see the looks when I go down the isle...Is he Mexican? Is he Middle Eastern? Maybe hes Italian. I know a guy who looks like him and he's Turkish. Oh god he sitting next to me!!!
@Skink: The banks want us to be debt slaves (I know you get that)...reform or not...and lets be honest with that one...they didn't deserve shit, but no one wanted a second depression or a correction...
@Skink: and no I am not a liberal or conservative...I try to be middle of the road and ignore the extreme Nazis of the right and the dumb fucking hippies of the left...
@Skink: well its really Health care INSURANCE reform...but whatever. I mean 30 million more people (including children) having access to insurance seems fair to me. Yeah I know you are going to say that it's going to make insurance more expensive, but guess what your insurance was going to get more expensive anyway.…
@Skink: I know that our fate was sealed a long long time ago, certainly before my parents were born and probably before yours...I know shit is going down hill, but to blame Obama or any of the current scum in DC is stupid...they just perpetuate something that they have no control of and neither do we (hello Fed). You…
@Skink: If you think that the US is going to be anything other than Capitalist country you have no clue about how this country really works. Did SSN program turn us into a socialist country? No...So how the hell is health insurance reform going to make us a Socialist country...please explain...I'm not saying that…
@Skink: 3 words - tin foil hat
Weren't some of these guys in the cantina scene?
Pre-school early 1970's...I was trying to draw something with crayons...the Principal came up and showed me a picture of a indy car that he had raced (I don't know if he really did or not)...From then on any picture I drew started with wheels...
too bad this wont push the value of my DDs up...
@WarpedCore: It's like photography...you shoot 1000 shots in hope that you get 1 great one.
@Possums: What hump?
@WarpedCore: school assignment
Dude across the street from me has one of the Rav4s...
4 could have been done better...5 is the best...6 is fake...7 is shitty
Fn'A...right on
@ampedpack: aww fuck I thought I was on the interweb...
They were lucky they had their tools with them.