missed this one...
missed this one...
@boosted-lego-wagon: drivers too
@Omaxem: no
Vintage? Not hardly, its Super Beetle...if they had done this to an earlier model I would hunt them down and kill them...
@tenbeers: zing!
@Merry Fedsmas to All!: I usually dont "lol"...but lol
@HSimpson: reflection looks pretty good...Im saying not shopped...HSimpson is probably on the right track
ahhh...what a day, first I get laid off and miss the fun on jalop...
@trevor2k: sorry man I didn't mean you I meant relmone
@trevor2k: read the damn article...the were selling unlicensed Ford merchandise...it has nothing to do with the URL name...
When I used to park my bug at a friends house, the local youngsters (whom we dubbed the Romper Room gang)would open my decklid and rearrange my spark plug wires...More of a practical joke as we were friends with them...finally I began to mark my wires so when they did this it was an easy fix...
@mchale2020: Black 55 Chev...Suzanne Summers was in the white t-bird...
@SundaySunday: Dr. Shrinker, Dr. Shrinker hes a man with an evil mind...
@theeastbaykid: especially if you date women in San Francisco...There is a city requirement that each straight woman must have at least one male gay friend...When I was dating my now wife, it was a big deal for her "friend" to meet me and give me the once over...apparently I passed...
@rearden_steel_1: actually after I posted that I realized that I was setting myself up for trouble...HOT is cool with me...Actually this is the first woman I have been with where random dudes actually come up to me and tell me how fine my wife is...life is good...although now she sporting the pregnancy bulge but still…
my wife looks like Liz
+1 for Y&T reference...Back in the day when they were known as Yesterday & Today, they played a lunch time gig at my high school...
My Mom had '72 brown one of these...solid solid car...wish she had never gotten rid of it...and what did she replace it with...Cutless Sierra...ug
that my first child is 3 weeks from being here...
@SCROGGZILLA RAIDS AGAIN!!: I'll take a new type 3 fastback...or any fastback...any year