
everybody screaming about not stopping on the freeway...read the linked article...

apply directly to forehead...

I'm VW guy(love all cars though)but a 1968 black Fastback could have easily swayed me another direction...actually it was mostly financial reasons that sent me the Dub way.I think I paid $250 for my first VW...oh and I grew up in a '68...see profile pic...

@casadelshawn: Thank god my VR6 was actually built in Wolfsburg...9 years later and 120k miles it still freakin goes like a bat out of hell...Somehow I don't think a Puebla Edition VR6 would last this long...

they do quality work compared to the crap that rolls around here...

I would prefer it if it had the new Army camo style on it instead of this Sopwith Camel version...

showing my age here...but I really enjoyed the Fixx show I saw back in 1990 at the Fillmore...

I so want to vote Beetle...but a '76?...I am having a hard time with that...

any car with someone over 80 driving scares me more than anything...

I see what they did there...her hips seem a bit big...In person she probably looks better...

While I prefer her sister, she would be a suitable stand in...

One more before the boss comes back

my boss is gone today...this will be only chance to take a stab at this...sorry no place to host at the moment...

On the first car I ever owned, a '70 VW Squareback, the oil light would go on when it needed a liitle added...one day the light burned out...I don't know the day that it exactly burned out but you can guess the rest...

@joshman: Panama uses US currency as well..Panama is one of the largest banking centers in the world next to Geneva...They do have a little peso type coin, but everyone accepts US dollars...lots of retired 'mericans down there...

wrong or right...there can only be one...

changing out my throttle linkage on my '63 Bug on the side of 101 (with little or no shoulder) in Redwood City with big rigs rolling by at 70mph 2 feet away...

@OletheaEurystheus: ahhh animated gifs...the absolutely best way to show your best...

rims look familiar...