
@Braff is Thad Longlove: Where ever Tesla is set up in SoCal, Im not sure...I'm in NorCal, up here they are in Palo Alto/Mountain View, I'm not sure if they are doing the same thing this weekend though...

Turns out I am going to test drive a Tesla this weekend in SoCal. They are having some kind of owners event where the owners can test drive and such...My Uncle has ordered one, but probably wont show until next year...So we are going in to test drive and apparently I'm on the list to test drive or something of that

@piththeelder: me three...I'd lose the marijuani and the copper innards...like the stock Continental too

@Ash78: agreed...about the green thing...I can dig that color

@Van Sarockin: Then Berkeley is the perfect place to start...

@BSAKat: wow that was a shot of nostalgia...

@BlueRSX: Looks more like a ballet dancer on fire than a BM logo...there is no fire in the BM logo

something looks very photoshopped about it...especially around the pillars...could be a lighting effect though

Neiman Marcus=Needless Markup

Made headlines in local newspaper "Holiday Accident Snarls Bridge Traffic" or was it "Bridge Accident Snarls Holiday Traffic" either way...

I live across the street from Phuket Thai Restaurant...

I thought this appropriate consdiering the sad news this weekend...

@smalleyxb122: The first Death Wish (sock full of quarters anyone?)and The Mechanic (that was a great ending...) were great to...and you can't forget the Dirty Dozen, but that was more Lee Marvin's gig...


@layabout: It's funny I got a letter from VOA saying that my car was in demand and that if I wanted to sell it to let them know...I thought it was sales deal...but maybe not...Definitely the best car I have ever owned...119k miles on it and it's still really solid...I haven't even had to replace my clutch yet...which

Yes I'm old. Old enough to remember when the MCP was just a chess program!

0-60 in 7.2...yikes my VR6 in need of the 120k service is faster than that