
@arowsell: Was his therapist with him?

@goatrope: The closest mr.transmission is in Corona, CA...which is nowhere near Silicon Valley...closer to Moreno Valley though (socal)


sorry guys...the above link is NSFW


Guy down the street has an Isetta, just like the one in the pic, although the kids are older and their Mom passed away last year...I should take pics and see if Murilee finds them worthy...although it seems he is tired of cars from the 415...

@JuanRCM: Dude I was in the same storm...9 hours from Tahoe to Bay Area with my girlfriend, friend and his bladder challenged dog...the girlfriend was bladder challenged as well..

@B: In CA, the sticker doesn't let you do that anymore...

Type R stickers dominate here...I saw one on a hybrid...made me laugh

@Ash78: I have a K&N sticker on my VR6...someday I might get one...ha ha

...and not having a damn edit button...I frackin hate that too

teenagers are teh suck...shouldn't be seen or heard until they have a minimum of $1000 in bills a month...then they can show their pimply little holes...

cal style bugs...

@mattmacklind: im not trying to downplay it that much...but considering the trucks are their lifeblood...they get maintenance more often then other workhorse vehicles I bet...I'm more impressed that he hasn't been in any accidents considering all the miles...

more impressive if it was one engine...3 not so much

hey I have a K&N too...neato