
They won’t be the downfall. They’re a symptom of the real problem that is zealous worship of conspicuous consumption and the importance of wealth above all else. If anything, at least they are getting something out of it unlike their followers. They’re just byproducts of a system that ranks the value of people by the

He acts like he was kidnapped by a Saudi Crown-Prince and forced to play, not that he agreed to a job and took a paycheck. I get hating celebrity inauthenticity but it’s hard to find a more glaring example than his own decision to perform.

With development cycles what they are, I suspect you have 2-4 years until Microsoft can really start leveraging this purchase.

With development cycles what they are, I suspect you have 2-4 years until Microsoft can really start leveraging this

And now all I see is an ad for Disney on Ice from the 70s.

At least he was able to “C” what happens when he doesn’t get his vitamins!

Yeah, they just keep draining the lifeblood out of this game.

She was the second Avenger to show up in the MCU and evaluated Tony for membership! (not counting the Hulk as Norton was before but Ruffalo was after) She then spent more time gathering and running the Avengers than anyone including Fury!

She absolutely deserved the same kind of sendoff as Iron Man. Stark was the

You can only fit so many solid gold statues of chihuahuas in a gem-lined underground Antarctic research facility repurposed as a rocket/yacht launch site staffed entirely with one-eyed albinos before you start looking for REALLY crazy places to spend your money.

I still think there are plenty of examples of people with daily television shows who maintained strong reputations even as they went on for years. Soap operas film 5 days a week, there are countless daily news programs, and guys like Carson, Leno, and Conan had nightly shows for years and years and are/were known as

I’ve never bought the “psycho goes hand-in-hand with success” mentality. There are plenty of successful entertainers and business people who don’t have that kind of reputation. Success just allows them to get away with behavior that wouldn’t be worth the trouble in someone less profitable. Whether it’s cruelty as a

Or even better, whit if we just admire people for the things they are good at without having to ascribe superiority in all fields to them? 

If she’s entertaining on TV, admire her for being entertaining. If someone is good at business, admire their business skills. If someone is good at a sport, admire them for their

This article does reference allegations from earlier in the year that Ellen herself is a much meaner boss/customer/person than indicated by her public persona. The recent Buzzfeed article only goes into specific issues with the workplace itself and the main purpose of this article was to report on the new allegations.


It’s not who we are

I can just hear the shouts of “But I never owned slaves!” echoing through the Blue Ridge...

Most of her attitudes are shared by the 1%. The only thing that sets her apart is the total lack of self-awareness as to how out-of-touch she sounds when trying to say publicly what her kind say to each other at cocktail parties.

Don’t you know it’s a perfectly natural to respond to stress and exhaustion with “uncharacteristically” cruel behavior towards the darkest person in the room? Simple biology, man.

They already said they’ll honor the military so it’ll be something embarrassing along the lines of the “Washington Japan Nukers”.

By this logic, they shouldn’t allow face masks at all because morons have made THAT political.

It sounds like this lady thinks black people are at fault for being accessories to her own stupidity.