
Right? They always seem to equate the need to not sound like a total nutbar in their district with actually being a non-nutbar. How about using their voting record like every other politician in the country? By that measure, they’re basically indistinguishable from Lindsey Graham.

Wait, so an entire industry based on fake personas is struggling to react with sincerity and humanity?

I know that was snarky and influencers aren’t any worse than large corporations. They tend to lack the PR departments to make them sound less cringe-worthy. I’m personally torn between wanting more companies to step

You could say “Fourteen words” and just mean your favorite song lyrics. You could wear a swastika and say it was for its ancient meaning of divinity. You could wear white robes with a matching pointy hood and say you’re a ghost. You could light a cross on fire because fire is pretty.

The reason decent people don’t do

Translation: 20% of white NFL fans are racist. so racist that despite being big enough fans to buy season tickets, they would still give it up over their racism. That doesn’t even count the racist ones who care more about going to football games than boycotting for their “principles”.


No, you’re being dishonest. You’re equating people who literally said haircuts and jobs were worth lives lost with people who are protesting because of lives lost to injustice every year since the founding of this nation.

We do think the lockdown protesters are worse because we take into account the reason they were

Yeah they’re going to get 10 minutes into that investigation, realize the fact that their PDs sound like they come from the Upside Down, and bury it. They will release their findings in 7 years on a Christmas afternoon during a blizzard in the basement of a civics center.

Like most rights in the US, it always came with an asterisk.

I do not get corporate PR. How can people who are paid at least 6 figures (because a minimum of 1 person at that level had to approve this) to avoid this exact idiocy not get it?

I feel like the myth that business leaders are any more competent than the average person is on really shaky ground these days. At least the

That would require the cops to actually give a shit.

Polemnicist is just following the example of Herr President.

Poor little softbrain doesn’t know any better, isn’t that right you widdle, bitty wacist?

These people are basically the Tiger Kings of adopting kids.

The world is in a similar state. Sure, in true US fashion we have to do it bigger and “better”, but someone pointed out something chilling to me earlier this year. When Angela Merkel steps down as Chancellor of Germany in 2021, there will be no true statesmen left leading any of the world powers. Just dictators,

The most depressing thing about all of this is we could lose Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, and every other GOP politician but be left with the Americans who voted for them and their spawn.

There probably isn’t much hope for the future.

The sad thing is I think this is the fever breaking. The sickness was the way they were able to keep their real motives hidden for so long. Think about how many dog-whistle Republican policies and concerns go back decades: tough on “crime”, “welfare queens”, illegal immigration, voter suppression, “broken windows”

These are the same white people who protest removing statues of people who led an armed rebellion to keep black people in chains. They’re fine with violence as long as its in service of their racism.

I can’t believe no one thought of this before. This is THE fastest way to make Republicans wring their hands over lax gun laws.

The horrifying thing is I am 100% sure that if positions were reversed, the video would have ended with a black homeowner in cuffs.

I wish someone would see them walk around the corner and just gun them down. What are they going to do, complain that someone was armed and defended themselves against the armed mob that was approaching them?

Lynch mobs in this country don’t gather without tacit police approval. This mob wouldn’t have had the balls to gather if they hadn’t had a uniformed officer in the middle of it.