
I was with godady for a few years but fired them because i realized i was paying $100+ a year for upsales and BS i didn't really need. (+ i was noob) after trying to learn apache and port forwarding my own public httpd server, I decided to go with:

They sponsor lifehacker. This is something that really annoys me. A big site like Lifehacker promoting hosts based on how much cash they get paid for a referral. This is why you can never ever trust blogposts from people who recommend hosts. 99% of the time they are referrals.

I have the same complaint with DreamHost! They auto-billed me for one year even though I cancelled my plan with them months before my next due date! I had to call my credit card company to file a chargeback.

Bluehost are crap - their response times are slow and God help you if you run WordPress...their throttling system sill strangle your business.

Dreamhost? I have been a multi-site client with them for 10 years. The first 8 years have been wonderful - great support, good service, unbelievable prices. The last two years? Not so much.

This is a BIG reason why you should keep your domain registration and hosting service separate. Having separate companies doing both gives you a lot more mobility.

GoDaddy is awful service, but beyond that, their positions on SOPA and other internet legislation prove them to be a company I would never, ever work with based on principal alone.

I absolutely and positively love Linode. I've been using them for some rather high traffic (around a quarter million pageviews/day) work applications that are embedded in our main sites, and couldn't be happier. Currently for work I have three Linodes (two HTTP + one MySQL) that run like banshees every day all day.

I agree with others that a VPS provider should not be put on this list. They're different services.

I've been with Hostgator for 6 years now and have never had a problem with them...EXCEPT a very strange incident a couple of years ago. I hadn't looked in my domain folders for a while, and when I did, I noticed a folder in there that I hadn't seen before. Inside were a bunch of .html files. When I opened them, it