When did this-here newfangled liturat rekwirement start?
When did this-here newfangled liturat rekwirement start?
But you have to wonder with all this stuff about the “next war” and arguments about the survivability of the A-10: do we really know where the next war will be and who we will be facing? Comments above regarding a near-peer conflict and the likely outcome for the human race are spot on. Then all this discussion (for…
Good thing it wasn’t a Turkish destroyer....
Hate to be suspicious/paranoid about this, but maybe it is all part of a larger “strategy”. No “cheap” COIN aircraft (and the concurrent lack of status flying them) means we do fly the wings off F-15's and F-16's, thus hastening their retirement. In turn, this allows DOD and vested interests to point this out to…
And this would be a bad thing why?
Of course, comrade, if tank is T-14, hope it comes with towing package...
Good thing they’ve got all that oil....
How about TinaLp? (Thankful it’s not a Lockheed product)
And maybe get Sarah Palin as administrator....
He’d have it shot down and make them pay for the ammo! I would be “beautiful”...
...”as the majority of the remaining F2s ended up becoming donor aircraft after a contractor drilling incident in essence wrote off the fuselages of 16 F3s.”
As someone once said “In a democracy, people usually get exactly the kind of government they deserve”. Or words to that effect...
Perhaps (since we are discussing the largely unforeseeable future) NG will argue that since they were/are able to bring the B-3 in at $650/$750/whatever million cost (hey, cheaper than the B-2) we can then “afford” hundreds of new even MORE capable F-whatevers, especially if we curtail the buy from those other folks…
You work for Lockheed, don’t you?
Ah, that means the cloaking device is working...
Yes, please. This horse died a while ago. Please stop beating it.
Here’s a real tinfoil-hat idea along those lines. Russia bombed it’s own jet a la False Flag ops to justify an increased effort in Syria, but the endgame is known only to our reptilian overlords...
Roger that. Twice, at least...
Saving those for later...
“Then quickly emigrate.” Hmmm, think the Russians didn’t think about that? A new base and adding to problems for Europe? A twofer?