No, just consequences of being caught in a fire. It would happen to anyone that was in the same situation. God made fires hot, and water cold (usually, unless the two mix).
No, just consequences of being caught in a fire. It would happen to anyone that was in the same situation. God made fires hot, and water cold (usually, unless the two mix).
No rain, worthless politicians who have no clue that there is a little something called land management, and a governor who flushes our drinking water into the ocean to save a fish that lives on the entire west coast of North America. California is doomed.
Australian for cowboy.
“Fact checking’ is opinion journalism pretending to be some sort of heightened objectivity.”
The liberal bias never helps journalism either... So long real reporters, hello narcissistic millennial liberal journalism grads! How was your indoctrination graduation?
And figure out that launch patch! lol