
I'm waiting on PhotoStream to do it, personally. Sordid bar bathroom sex shot suddenly shows up on wife's iPad while she's reading Nicholas Sparks and worrying about her husband having to "work late" so much recently, and that's all she wrote.

Don't forget the 700 Klingons of varying intensities.

Has anyone tried saying "What weather today?" in perfectly inflected English? Is it the accent or the omission of articles and verbs? If it's the latter, I can't see how this is an example of Siri not working. If I wanted directions to the nearest movie theater and I asked it "Want go movie. Where is?" I doubt it

They knew you'd handle it for them.

Now, if iTunes Match covers this, it's ON!

Dude. There is no more tortuous mouse than the puck. I was a graphic designer and tried to use one for a couple of months before I had to get rid of it or else develop Carpal Chunnel syndrome.


Outlier! ;)

The Ewok Line is real. I hate the Ewoks. I was born May 5, 1973. My wife loves them. She was born August 11, 1973. This explains everything.

Yeah, I saw that the other day, and that's cool, but I would still like to have it just sit there on my dash or desk and activate from my voice. Maybe I watched too much Star Trek as a kid...and...now...

I read on Cult of Mac (I think) that, once it comes out of beta, it will be available on the iPad 2 and the Mac (!). Of course, that may just be rumor, but it would figure.

I still say it needs an "In Car" mode like Vlingo has on Android. All this button pressing and tapping on a voice-control interface bugs me. If you could set it so that, if connected to an external power source (as it would kill the battery otherwise), it was always listening for an activation phrase, like "Yo

Still want to know where you're from that a teacher's starting salary with a Bachelor's degree is 40k. In Mississippi, you don't break 40k until you've been teaching for 19 years. Starting salary with a Class A license (Bachelor's degree) is 30,900. Also, where are you from where a sub doesn't need a degree?

Where are you from that the school year is only 6 months long?

You should try it some time. They *earn* that time off, and if they didn't have it, there would be a *lot* more gun violence in schools.

Totally with you. I was trying to figure out where the typo happened.

Sons of iNarchy

To be fair, Vlingo for iPhone is available now for iPhone 4 and can compose text messages and emails through voice recognition. Which raises the question, why does this need the A5 and 1 GHz to run when Vlingo and Siri don't/didn't.

Actually, I would submit that Green Lantern is the superhero for whom it make the *most* sense to have a CGI costume. The power ring is all about energy constructs, and the GL uniform would be no different.