
Watch what you say about Thomas Kinkade. HE PAINTS LIGHT, DAMMIT!

I'm waiting for the first Unibody Apple Store. A store milled out of a single huge block of aluminum. That's the stuff.

But, can I watch Homestar Runner on this?

Of course, it could be from a dream sequence or other doesn't-actually-happen scene.

I know this makes me a little bit of an outcast, but...um...

Looks blue to me.

What does it take to be a TSA agent? Because, from the way it appears, the only qualification is that either your ego our your ass have to be grossly overweight. Preferably both.

As an ex-radio jock and fellow VO artist, I wanna say two things. First, lovely workstation. Second, I'm glad to see the you are following the industry-recommended one lava lamp minimum. :)

@Dadjoe: Coffee on monitor. Thanks. :)

There need to be more of these. Like now. Hilarious.

@FrankN.Stein: Hmm, you make a compelling argument. But, then, that same *shudder* "film" claims Papa Jones is dead, so...

@FrankN.Stein: Doesn't that go away when you pass the seal? That's what I always assumed.

@lightninglouie: They do mention in the trailer that they're trying to colonize the planet. I imagine that would make it a less-than-fun colony locale.

Okay, that's it. THIS is the Red Dawn remake. Fuck the other one.

@dichotomy: "This is My command: that you love one another." -John 15:12

@Anne Boleyn: Exactly. I am floored by this. SGU was a really good series, and I never expected SciFi of all networks to pull a Firefly and can it when it's really getting good.

Holy crap, this is amazing. I just downloaded it and am translating every sign in my office to Spanish. The future rocks.