
The movie sucks, but the biggest disappointment is the fact Batman isn’t Batman, and Superman is not at all inspirational! Batman is a killer, and Superman has a problem with this except when it involves saving his mom. Superman’s Zod scene is officially pointless and dumb because he kills a man that was threatening

One thing all these examples show about Batman and Superman most of all is how badly Batman v. Superman did not understand the characters. The movie was choppy and pretentious, but the biggest disappointment is the fact Batman doesn’t act like Batman, and Superman is not at all a beacon of hope. Fact of the matter is

This is cool but the problem everyone needs to be aware of is that IDW has been publishing board games with issues. These issues have been poor rule books, and game pieces. Kill Shakespeare the board game is an extremely good example, the delivered chits instead of wooden cubes after funding was exceeded. These issues