
Totally agree with the reviewer's assessment.

Bloggers really need to stop perpetuating this false statement….Sharon Stone said she'll have a small part in a Marvel movie…..she did NOT say it would be in this particular film.

#1 - Sharon Stone never said she was going to be in this film….she only said a Marvel film. #2 - the original Wasp went subatomic and was lost in the quantum realm….while Hank Pym told Hope she died, he always considered her lost, not dead, and we saw glimpses of her when Scott Lang went subatomic. So the "when are

Of course the person getting paid a lot of money by WB to direct one of their DC movies is going to say that……….duhhhhhhh, lol.

It was always concerning that they crammed Batman, The Joker and then The Flash into this movie in small roles and cameos. Always seemed like a gimmick to put butts in the seat and hedge against the actual Squad not being all that interesting. Since they were clearly trying to do a knockoff of Guardisns of the

If Feig had made an original movie starring these 4 actresses, nobody would have said anything about it. Doing a reboot with female leads was nothing but a gimmick to distract people from the fact that it's a reboot…and Hollywood is up to it's copycatting ways with the same gimmick for reboots of Ocean's Eleven and

They've had fake deaths like Roy, but they also went to the Lazarus Pit one time too often already with Thea and Sara. I really like Laurel, but if she somehow turns out to be alive then there really are no consequences on this show.

You're over thinking things. Also, several of the things you wonder about WERE explained - for example, the purpose of inquisitors (to hunt down remaining Jedi), how Maul got on Malachor (he came there seeking the temple and his ship crashed), there are obviously more inquisitors because they were only the 5th, 7th

I totally disagree with this review. I thought it was a good episode. This season feels a lot like Season 1. Heroes has always mixed in time travel, flashbacks, etc, to connect the dots and they've always had characters cross paths (like Carlos and Farah) just to emphasize their theme of everything and everyone being

LOL, all the things that the reviewer complained were unexplained or didn't make sense were all explained perfectly in Part 2. Should have been obvious that there was more to be revealed when they purposely named the next episode "Part 2" and anyone who has ever watched Heroes should know they eventually explain

I've liked Reborn so far. Sounds like a bunch of whiny people who like to complain about things and only watched this show so they could bitch about it. Plenty of other things to watch on TV, no one is forcing you to watch the show. As for the reviewer, it's obvious he had already made up his mind that he wasn't

I really liked the episode except for Eddie suddenly getting interested in taking down the Flash out of nowhere. He's never seen the Flash….doesn't believe in the Flash….has never encountered anything bad as a result of the Flash….and yet he coincidentally gets obsessed with starting a task force out of the blue

It was creatively and intellectually dishonest to end the finale with a gimmicky twist ending that basically nullified the entire purpose of the show and specifically made the last two seasons a complete waste of time with all the Barney/Robin drama and wedding. The last 2 seasons were ridiculously dragged out with