
This game is fun. Sure it has issues and it may not be prepped up for PC-centric options but its fun. Its a console MMO first and a PC MMO later. PC usually gets MMOs and they never make it to console because of their PC-centric nature and it sucks. This time we got it the other way around and its FUN on both PC and

So Destiny will let us go everywhere in the solar system. Mar, Earth, Venus, the moon, Europa all confirmed so far. I hope we get Pluto too cause, why not?!

This game keeps getting better and better. Really liking the character models and the way they are animated. The big guy reminds me of the Halo Hunters, tough to take down but one hell of an adversary.

That would be pretty awesome if it were the first one, however, I think the game surpasses the size limit for an XBLA game.

It sucks to see someone get the boot but im hopeful for SE's new direction. Develop less titles and concentrate on bringing in quality new ideas to they established franchises. Also, please localize sought after games, you're not doing yourself any favors by keeping good games in Japan only.

See, this is exactly what I mean when I say I wish certain games had a remake. i don't need a reimagening of said game, just put a fresh coat of paint and I'm set. For example, Halo Anniversary Edition.

Where is this from @_@ I wanna watch.

Never hated a company more than I hate Harmony Gold right now. They are the sole purpose why I haven't been able to play Macross games?!?! Bullshit.

Want the hoodie for sure! Also, she is pretty.

PLEASE! let it be a Wii U version, PLEASE!

YES! Please let us fly the gunship! We can dream.

"Make games on the level of what we have now and push -gameplay-. Be creative. Be inventive. Delight us. Isn't that what this is all about?"

Haven't played Black ops 2 yet but the kill streaks are annoying, specially when it DOES reward the players already on top with even more power. Matches are always annoying for me to play because there is ALWAYS someone exploiting something in the game. not to mention that due to the Kill Streaks, objective game modes

WE HAVE AN INTRUDER!! this guy knows what to do with his hands!?!?!

YES! Also DEAD END is a must.

I want Dam Dariram KCP Mix PRONTO!

Which mix for Boyzone?

Make an in-house SNES/NES/Genesis/Master System/GBA Emulator and you got yourself a killer app.

Look at the area between the D-Pad and the screen, right a the top near the edge. Looks like it could be a button, maybe the "share" button. I dont see anything like it on the opposite side of it.

Looks like the "Share" button is going to be shown on the screen only and may or may not be provided by the game itself. So, we can only share the games which have the feature enabled?