
It looks a whole lot like Destiny 1....but prettier. Holy shit that’s pretty. I’m loving the sound of all the changes as well.

Yes plus LFG sites still require significantly more social interaction than in-game matchmaking, thus making it an unpleasant experience for people with anxiety issues to try to participate in raids. With in-game matchmaking at least if you get a bad group you can just blame it on the game...

>Matchmaking for raids

I’m definitely playing it and will enjoy it but when I heard that it wasn’t heavy on supports and marriages weren’t in the game, my excitement lowered. I practically counted down the hours til Fates came out and loved it but with Echoes my attitude is more “oh cool! i’ll get it i guess!” Hopefully, FE Switch will

Worth noting that Makoto’s cool bike Persona stops being a cool bike when you max out her rank. I love her to death and that really annoyed the crap out of me.

Gygax was a very important and influential figure in the medium, but dear god have we given him way too much credit. So many other people worked on D&D for 10, 20+ years to make it what it was and now is. And, truth be told, while Gygax was a great visionary, he actually was not that great at game design.

Yeah. Personally I’m not that bothered—I like the game a ton and have barely scratched the surface at nearing 60 hours with it, so I can certainly wait for story mode. The countdown was a disappointment for sure, but it hasn’t soured my feelings toward the game at all.

Not the best move ever, but the game really is wonderful, and the team are quite nice on Twitter.

‘For the sake of brevity, we’ll call the Soul-Sucking Demi-Lich “Mom” and the emotionless, pitiless, stone golem “Dad.”’

I decided a long time ago that people like Jones, or Rush, or Beck, it doesn’t MATTER if they believe the shit they peddle, they damage is real. These guys are modern snake oils for broken minds and broken spirits. They are no better than the televangelist who takes old ladies’ Social Security check, buys a

So, looks like Red Eagle’s gambit worked. They aired the “pilot,” kept the rights, and will now get a cut from Sony.

Finally! Series gets a lot of hate and it does have its problems but I think the usual trimming down that TV shows do should fix at least some of them. Maybe they can also play around and fix some of Robert Jordan’s weird ideas about interactions between men and women.

Blood and bloody ashes! It’s FINALLY REAL! If you couldn’t tell based on my name I love this series. Though distribution, budget, and how the series is adapted is going to be a really big issue. As one book one season just won’t work outside of Eye of the World.

I mean, it sounds a little harsh, but I get it. Persona is a linear single player RPG.
You have choices in your schedule, but the overarching story beats, the twists, and surprises are all the same every time. If someone can simply watch the entire story unfold on YouTube, or Twitch, etc, then what incentive do they


I DO think it’s hilarious that they worked a lore reason for the gear reset into the reveal trailer.

Yes!! This is where the difference lies. Concepts like “Diversity” apply only to the inclusion of straight white men. Just like how “freedom of speech” only applies to speech that adheres to the conservative platform.

McIntosh looks...exactly like I’d expect from the son of a politician who supported Trump. Unnatural stance, creepy pose, and waaaaay older than his age.

Jon’s views aren’t based on real statistics, but from Breitbart bullshit. He argued that the most well off black person is still more violent and more likely to commit crimes than the worst off whites. Please don’t let him half-assedly backpedal from such a blatantly racist (and factually incorrect) statement.

Another point: after 10 hours of play I can honestly say this is a super overreaction. By and large the animations are serviceable with only a handful of extremely minor NPCs suffering from very poorly done animations.