
How soon before he and JonTron are running Breitbart’s Gaming section?

Yeah it just screams back in my day everything was better than it is now. That being said the game looks really cool and they appear to take some of their character design from the recent anime trends they say isn’t very good.

I tend to be instantly turned off by the “things used to be better” track of logic, but the creators here shore up their reasoning with arguments that go beyond nostalgia, and the line of thought serves more as a supplement to the core, which seems like an interestingly constructed and presented game. I’ll be

Wait. That was their defense? That they weren’t the ones who threatened the partygoers? Man, fuck y’all. You rolled up six or seven cars deep into a mostly African-American neighborhood with Confederate flags flying from every single vehicle. You purposely went out looking for a fucking conflict, and when you noticed

thats because racism has not only been legitimized, its been deemed patriotism.

“I would never ...” = “I didn’t realize there would be consequences for my actions.” Which is why we are seeing an uptick in racist and anti-Semitic acts; people are getting the message that they can get away with it.

I have to say, this feels like a real win for Kotaku, GameStop, and journalism in general. Nicely done.

Great news; your efforts just made a lot of people’s jobs easier. Thank you, Jason!

They finally figured out that the armored bikini goes UNDER the clothes.

The heroes look great, as both genders. I’m super glad to see games pushing this. The female viking is ace af

I’ve been singing praises of the female warriors in For Honor ever since i’ve first seen them. They’re so damned good. They did a great job.

Breaking News: Racist Invites Racist Onto His Television Show.

Yes, but Reddit is a privately owned operation so they can do whatever the fuck they want, thank god. They are under no obligation to give those shit-munchers a platform.

These potential little connections are honestly quite exciting as they leave some little hints that may or may not prove to be valuable to the overall experience of the game.

lol at the title. But, in all seriousness, I feel bad for Battleborn. It’s a solid game, but just not as technically sound nor as charming as Overwatch.

And hopefully we won’t have the same fiasco like last time where a bunch of creeps who thought that if a video game company doesn’t want to include T&A in the localized version of their game it’s somehow censorship. Let me repeat this just to be clear: localization is not censorship. Unless the government outright

AoT is the only anime I’ve ever watched and I am excited that a second season is coming! Can’t wait to binge watch it in two days like I did for season one!

I hate anime. Attack on Titan is good. Keeps filler episodes where shit doesn’t happen (ie. Dragonball Z) to a minimum and isn’t written like usual anime junk.

Yeah that’s cool.

I really enjoy your articles Cecilia. Your one of the better writers on Kotaku, keep up the good work ;)