Sure, but if they keep setting the table at a rate of one plate per episode then they are going to run out of show before they get to the salad course.
Sure, but if they keep setting the table at a rate of one plate per episode then they are going to run out of show before they get to the salad course.
The final shot of this episode made me think that this would have been a better show if they had combined the first 3 episodes into 1 hour-long opener (or 30 minute 2-parter). There’s a lot of repetitive fat that could have been trimmed (like most of the scenes on Earth, for example) to make the whole thing tighter…
I said good day sir!
Well I guess you’ll just have to keep re-reading my last post until you get it. Or keep waiting. I’m not going to repeat myself for you.
If I actually believed that is what you were doing, maybe I would ask myself that. But that isn’t what you’re doing, is it? You are performing an act. It’s the same act you always perform. I don’t believe that you believe anything you say. You just have a pathological need to say them because you crave attention and…
You “spoke up” because you are a narcissist and a troll. That is all. Good day, sir.
“Cats and dogs living together! Mass hysteria!”
This whole article and that was your takeaway? The soda?
2 out of 3 of these are correct.
How else are we going to make more white people?
Granted some of the stories are stronger than others, but it isn’t fair to call it a set of “completely random unconnected short stories.” The stories together all serve to give a full(ish) account of the “history” of the zombie apocalypse from a wide variety of perspectives. The stories in many cases can stand on…
World War Z is a crime for taking such a well-constructed book and turning it into ... that.
Thinking about it now, I realize that I only ever think of his character from the first half of 12 Monkeys and not later in the film. So yeah, there may just be something missing or off in the later scenes that makes him less memorable there.
Came here to point out the similarity with Lost’s “The Constant” and am glad to see I’m not the first.
I think it’s safe to assume that if there were any other colors of people present then the white one holding the gun felt threatened.
Are you drunk? Because I’ve got Iger on the other line right now and I hear he’s looking to make a deal.
“38 Wedding Venues You Can’t Find on Pinterest and 46 Unrelated Tweets for Some Reason”
I don’t know why I thought looking at this would be a good idea. It wasn’t.
You seem very mad but it’s unclear who you are mad at or why.
Have you noticed that a very large amount of people seem to disagree with you? Maybe the problem isn’t the show.