
Or maybe Simmons told the editors to keep it quiet so they couldn’t be fired until they jumped ship, since they are at-will workers. No, no, that can’t be it. CLEARLY IT WAS A SIMMONS CONSPIRACY! NO ONE DENIES THIS!

“He put his beef with Skipper above the jobs of dozens of people,” one Grantland staffer said.”

He hired away some of his old hires, giving ESPN a pretext to close the whole thing? It’s a very flimsy criticism, imo, but there are tons of vehement Simmons haters out there grasping for straws. Instead of looking at this and coming to the logical conclusion, that ESPN is a terrible company, they try to spin at as

It was clear how much fun it was to work at grantland, because they’re enthusiasm was dripping off the page. I read many thousand word articles about sports I dont even care about because the writing was passionate, curious and focused on questions that the rest of mainstream journalism would never consider.

Yes. People have different tastes.

Fitting that the naming rights go to a rental car company, since every public Dollar Hertz the Budget.