
Am I the only person on the planet who thought he was making a sarcastic comment to himself when he said he’d killed them all?

He’ll get off again. If he got off after dismembering someone and admitting to it, he’ll get off for the murder of Berman, where there’s just a circumstantial link and the hot mic moment. I do wonder if Jarecki will be called to testify at all, or if he will be covering any of this for a second season of The Jinx.

I agree, but an 80% disapproval rating is pretty eye opening. These are people being put into unimaginable and inhuman situations, and we expect them to deal with changes to the safety net of a social structure they are accustomed to just like that?

This is a significant change and change is scary. They’ll get over it.

I can understand somewhat the initial concern about physical strength but this is negated by the mandatory requirements. Aka if she can meet the physical strength required, then she has every right to be there.

this engine bay scares the bejusus out of me, yes it’s clean and all there but god it looks like Medusa’s hair witht he hoses and wires going everywhere... also why is this one lead off the distributor all the way over here?

thanks. it could very well be valid, but i just have a lot of skepticism regarding anything from there. and i’m chinese!

I personally will not get tattoos but I have always admire artist that make incredible pieces of work like the guys from ink master. I find this stupid.

i really can't believe anything China claims these days. It's probably some students driving with buckets on their heads and the government wants to divert attention away from the bad smog press. Tesla has autonomous driving cars, we have mind control cars!

The 6-rotor made 560 torques at about 4500 rpm. It’s a 3.9 liter engine. I’d like to see a 3.9 liter Chevy V8 make 560 torques.

I asked my coworker, Tim Brady, what he thought about Trump and his plans for Muslims, and he told me to get the fuck out of his cubicle. Also I’m not a reporter. Can I still have $100?

Parts car for LeMons, turbo for tow car.

I just had Chipotle a few days ago, yet survived so far without any ill effects. Perhaps I am made of Penicillin?

It also really pisses me off that these kinds of videos make the rounds in the mainstream media (including facebook, which is now the source of 43% of all network news, anyway).

“Practice your attitude” = “Women and black people should remember how to speak when talking to their betters.”

and one of the best mods I’ve ever installed

Catless downpipe yo! Mine makes MAD POWAR! Stage 2 bro!

Thank you for fucking saying this. I am so sick of people running no cats on street cars.