Not really. Different models. The snmaller ones are probably more expensive than a farmboy can afford. So Luke got the cheap-ass huge model.
Not really. Different models. The snmaller ones are probably more expensive than a farmboy can afford. So Luke got the cheap-ass huge model.
Different people age differently.
I mean Luke basically grew up in a trailer park , so his having the cheap, bulky, many times repaired equipment , and Obi having the rich guys slim tech does make sense . (But yeah the unavoidable fact that the original trilogy era technology looks primitive compared to the prequel era stuff has always been a bit of a…
Nope. Early 50's to early 60's is right in line with the actor’s ages.
In my opinion, yes, a game absolutely has to be fun to be good. Other people may disagree. And that’s fine!
Bordering Russia, for $800. “The Kerch Strait — along with serious border issues — separates Russia from this country on the Black Sea.”
I think he and HBO are wildly overestimating how much anyone gives a shit about GoT anymore. Nobody cares if he finishes The Winds of Winter. Nobody cares about House of the Dragon. The only thing anyone has to say about the show now is what a disappointment and a waste of time it turned out to be. It's done. It's…
Now do one where a Silverado EV crushes Phil Leotardo’s head while he says how great Chevy is.
Yeah... and lots of people make fun of Jobs and Musk for their weirdness.
I liked Seveneves all the way through. I also agree the stories before the time jump were perhaps a bit more fresh/interesting. But I suppose I was just interested enough in the question of what a rebuilt society would look like that I was happy to spend some time in that period.
The terrifying part to me is that we don’t need Trump to win the election to ensure the downfall of democracy; we just need him to run. Because then all of the election-suppressing, insurrectionist, gaslighting, Brownshirt mechanisms all get kicked into high gear, with the backing of the whole Republican party, on…
I’d say it sounds about the same amount of fun :)
Oh man, I thought the entire thing about the “white sky” scenario was less “fun” and more... crushingly depressing.
Donald Trump was mostly remembered as a kitschy, grimy relic of the dullest part of the 80s until The Apprentice aired.
Yes they can. Because most of the people who play it aren’t using algorithms and best word lists to break the game.
Ah, yes, upbeat fun music that still manages to address real issues at the same time. Better shit alllll over that.
And here comes the fake outrage from the people who’ve been chanting ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ for the past 6 months.
Fuck’s sake. Watch the trailer. ‘We’ is entirely aimed at and from the perspective of the Black community. Is there a non-Black, non-celebrity featured?
First they came for the rabbits, and I did not speak up, for I didn’t get off to rabbits...