
Yeah, Dale is too smart to be a Trump follower.

“I was afraid it might have made the screenplay border on being unbelievable.”

Incorrect. “Whoever” (or “whosoever,” I guess, if Hughes is feeling fancy) is a predicative complement in the above sentence and thus takes the nominative.

Oh fucking unclench

1899 - the next series from the creators of Dark, the best show on Netflix.

In Santa Barbara, Burton Guster silently but assuredly gives a fist pump of excitement.

The first season was very, very good. S2 was a series of backdoor pilots for the Disney Content Factory that forgot to tell a compelling story beyond remember this???

Let me ask you, though, why do YOU think people did engage with it as a deconstructionist work even though almost ALL the critiques are decidedly not in that lens but instead from a traditional fantasy narrative lens? (Unexpected heel turn, ruined redemption arc, Jon ends up being a little useless to the final

I’m gonna echo what I said to someone else recently on another GoT thread: I absolutely agree that a significant portion of the show’s detractors had a problem with Dany turning evil and there’s no way it could’ve been done that would satisfy them. And there are definitely reasons why ‘But she only killed bad people

Yeah it’s weird that people are gatekeeping where movies should/shouldn’t be experience.

eh i would say it’s closer to the difference between seeing a band live and listening to them at home. there IS a different feeling and experience when everyone is doing something communally and experiencing it at the same time. watching a comedy movie will always be better with a large group than sitting alone,

Oh yeah like for example The Goonies is definitely a John Wick vs. Dracula film, you can tell because of the skeleton.

The Rowling that wrote the books and the deeply transphobic villain that she has become I like to think of as separate versions, and obviously her success still hasn’t equated to her happiness so she’s targeted trans people for some fucked up reason. 

As someone who grew up in this time we didn’t know how creepy adults were in real life unless you saw tv shows like different strokes showing you how many pedo’s were out there (they did the bicycle shop one and the one where an adult man kidnaps the teen sister).

It is vitally important to point out that the people who are trying to make the “James Bond should totally be a woman” thing happen do not watch, and have no interest in ever watching, James Bond movies.

Of course James Bond should be a man. That’s the character as intended. Making Bond a woman accomplishes nothing. It’s fake corporate gesturing to try to appease to the crowd that gets loud about wokeness thinking they’ll be satisfied. Make new roles for women. That’s progress. Put women behind the camera. In the

But, alas, she mostly disappears from the movie after giving Bond a ride home.

Is he going to fall in love with a pretty girl nutcracker who everyone remembers as having braces but actually doesn’t?

Ah yes. The evergreen “I meant to do that,” snivel.

Man, the fuckin balls on Chef Boyardee. Pops the door open with a "Hello, can I come in?" and doesn't even wait for an answer. The stones on that bastardo.