
That’s interesting, considering the processor in the SNES wasn’t a whole lot more powerful than the NES. It just had better subsystems surrounding it.

Did you not watch the Harry Potter movies? They’re literally growing up before your eyes in every one!

I assumed all RR owners look down on everyone, regardless.

The e-Golf is the least offensive EV I’ve seen. It’s not trying too hard to be futuristic, and failing at it, like the Model 3 and it’s stupid oversized iPad controller and melted plastic exterior. If the ID keeps up with the e-Golf in regards to being a normal car that happens to be an EV, it’ll do well.

Sure it will.

Seriously. It nails everything. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear it’s using 80s footage. The cars, clothes, everything.

To be fair, all of LoTR needed dumbing down. It was a whole lot of Tolkien using really ridiculous words, pages and pages of them, to describe something that could’ve been done in a couple sentences. He liked to jerk off on his own vocabulary. I love LoTR but seriously.

Edgy and original.

Maybe, but this looks way cooler than a Merc. Merc S-class haven’t looked good in ages.

Goddamn lawyers.

Because it’s one of the crappiest Jags ever made. Look, I get it. I love longroofs, I love Jaguar. I even love the look of this thing from certain angles (the front end needs help). But really, this was not Jag at it’s best. This was Jag at it’s worst, with a badge-engineered Contour.

This cladding issue is nonsense. Every other wagon here has it: Audi, Volvo, Subaru. Why does it bother you on the Buick? I think it’s totally fine, and people are just finding excuses for hating a Buick.

Dammit. I was waiting all year for them to finally give us good pricing. I gave up last month and got a Challenger GT instead (yes, there are people who like both wagons and muscle). MSRP between the two is identical, but Dodge was practically giving away the Challenger (I’m paying $320/mo for a lease, which is what I

It amazes me how a show that went from “trying too hard and failing” in it’s first season has become the absolute best hour of TV, not just for a CW show but out of any show. The fact it’s so batshit crazy AND works is a testament to the fun the writers, directors, and especially the cast have with this show. It

Must not be a Whovian or Game of Thrones fan ;) Four months is nothing compared to being a fan of those two shows.

Crack is whack.

I had that same reaction as well. Since I went Genesis, and the first round of SNES titles were pretty terrible, I missed out on some of the SNES games that weren’t bad. I’ve since gone back and played them on emulators, but emulation is never as enjoybale.


Did you watch the same thing I watched? Or are you just being all edgy and negative because this looks fucking awesome and your life is shit?

I’ve come to retroactively appreciate the SMS. I was a NES kid (and then I changed loyalties to the Genesis because the SNES was bloodless and overrated) so I never paid any attention to it at the time. Now, I look back on it and it had some really great titles that deserve a second look.