
It is both depressing and the scariest thing I have seen on television in some time. It is also compelling AF and I can’t turn away.

This seems accurate to me. It blows my mind when people use chiros as primary care providers.

You win.

I have spent too much time on Hulu and yet am still not prepared for your Gilead parallels. The horror.

That reverse zoo thing feels painfully apt. And sometimes how I feel as a teacher.

I don’t know, Donald...will there be leaks as you deal on things? I’m sure these deals will be golden.

y thoooooo

I didn’t find the insertion to be bad at all, personally. For which I was endlessly grateful. But the removal...maybe I’ll keep mine forever.

That’s not a joke at all. :(

Why you tell me dis? Especially because I was throwing up yesterday and thinking, “nah, can’t be pregnant, there’s a crowbar in my cervix”??

Dude I had a Razr for almost a decade and that thing was perfect and indestructible.

Pssh, I LIVED in Ferguson at the time and it was downright hilarious to watch everyone conflate us with the city. Nope.

Me, thinking about the IUD being ripped out

He’s using a Motorola Razr and it takes six taps per letter.

Dis good kinja

I wish this were my representative.

He leans in way harder than any of us. The best leaner!


I actually squealed and said, “SINGLE MOM SCHOLARSHIP”