“I’m beginning to wonder why all these “also-ran” candidates think they have a sheep’s chance in a flock of wolves.”
“I’m beginning to wonder why all these “also-ran” candidates think they have a sheep’s chance in a flock of wolves.”
“Grounded planes are, by definition, not in the air, and as such need to be stored, on the ground, somewhere.”
“It’s the museum itself (along with plenty of bad-faith Republicans) that made the leap from “concentration camps” to “Holocaust analogy” without for a moment recognizing—or at least admitting—the term’s well-established historical independence from the Nazi’s treatment of European Jewry”
“Unfortunately for him, the Supreme Court already has ruled that flag burning is a form of symbolic speech protected by the First Amendment.”
Pissed she’s in the weaker group going first? If you were in a WWE cage brawl (‘murica!) would you rather be in the group with the... I don’t know any of them but you get where I’m going. It’s hers to lose.
I understand you want this guy to burn, and he will get zero sympathy from me. However, your examples aren’t relevant because they are separate acts and it would also potentially stack the penalties if convicted. Hate crimes are enhancements to an already illegal act. Arson is the crime, the penalty enhancement is…
It’s a prosecutors job to charge, and they are supposed to only charge if they reasonably believe they can convict. Police can arrest with probable cause. It’s set up that way to protect us all, and is an important distinction even if it’s not perfect. We don’t throw away our protections because someone is really…
I said this before to someone else but it seems to have vanished into the ether... going for the hate crime via the Church Arson Prevention Act is significantly easier than proving race was the motive. If it’s a church and he burned it, hate crime. No need to prove what his thoughts were at the time... they’re…
The result is the same, keep it simple when dealing with the jury: “was it a church? did he intentionally set it on fire? Hate crime.”
You do know Kennedy was long dead when men landed on the moon, right? Or are you implying that trump thinks Kennedy was president at the time? Because that’s not how it reads.
There is no way this is a correct take. Under your interpretation a person could raise a real gun - unloaded - and point it at a police officer. If the officer fired and killed the person, he would be criminally liable because the threat was only a perceived threat and there is no way an unloaded gun could have been…
That’s certainly an interesting way of wording a statement if that is the case. The problem is aluminum prices have been all over the place, down 20% YTD actually. Looking at the ten year chart is even more chaotic so I seriously doubt a 10% tariff on just the aluminum is affecting much of anything when the price of…
“The amount it costs to bring aluminum into the U.S. for use in cans doubled as Trump put a 10 percent tariff on metal imports”
Can a woman use her body to smother a small toddler? It’s her body. Who gives a shit what she does with it. The right to do whatever you want with your body (man or woman or anywhere in between) stops when it harms another. Most people who are against abortion for reasons beyond some book see it as a simple matter. I…
Here’s my take, go ahead and delete the post if you want, I don’t care. You do not have “bodily autonomy” any more than I do. You (and I) cannot use our body however we see fit. Neither you nor I can use the fist part of our bodies to inflict harm on another without legal justification. We cannot sit on a puppy and…
So “don’t trust anyone but the legitimate sources” and “just trust me, no citations needed.”
Just wrong. There is no “this one thing” when it comes to determining contractor vs employee. It’s a totality of circumstances. I was a contractor for the United States Attorneys Office. You know, the same people who take companies to civil and criminal court if they violate labor laws including contractor issues? I…
You wanna fight?
Geeze, how is this even a debate? I have all three and never use the dishwasher, as in three years never used it. Why? It takes literally five seconds to wash my cereal bowl out in the sink when I’m done with my Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Even with four kids here sometimes it takes maybe ten minutes to do the dishes - ever…
You do not have “bodily autonomy” any more than I do. You (and I) cannot use our body however we see fit. Neither you nor I can use the fist part of our bodies to inflict harm on another without legal justification. We cannot sit on a puppy and kill it, we cannot cram a gerbil into a body cavity and suffocate it. …