
Almost 90,000 Americans die from alcohol related causes annually each year. Seems a little irresponsible to suggest ways to to ensure your readers can still partake in one risky behavior while avoiding another.

We do not have unlimited rights to do with our bodies as we want (regardless of gender). Man or woman or anyone in between cannot cram an animal into a body cavity and suffocate it. Nor can we use our body to inflict unwanted and unwarranted harm on one another. It’s generally accepted that those are reasonable limi

Well, since you brought it up... back then there was another population that existed that people believed weren’t deserving of protection or any rights... they were treated as property to be eliminated as soon as they were deemed inconvenient... they looked a lot like aborted babies, just bigger.. but at least now for

What does the moon look like if you stand on the equator? 

God damnit Jim, you can’t take fucking planets and put them between the earth and the moon either.  That’s not the point.  

When did I say you wanted to ban grocery stores? I said I did. It’s for the greater good. Learn to read, slow poke.  I’ll add that to my agenda... better education via accountability requirements for parents... like the ones that don’t ensure their spawn learn basic reading comprehension skills... $500 fine to be

Well, since we’re playing “I’ll tell people how they should spend their money...”


Yeah but who wants to carry around the ground all the time just to put a fire on it and get it all dirty? 

Yeah but who wants to carry around the ground all the time just to put a fire on it and get it all dirty? 

So once you announce your candidacy you’re protected from investigations if those crimes happened in another country? Good to know. None of this was secret, there’s a NYT article from May that details all of this before it even happened. No secret, no need for “whistleblowers,” just a subscription to the New York

If you make over $32,000 a year you are a 1%er. Unless the human beings in other countries suddenly don’t matter.

It most certainly was not a joke. I never said judges CAN rewrite rules, I never even commented on the legality of it. I’m just saying that google translate would have been beneficial to use in that situation. You don’t disagree with that do you? I mean, your whole story is about an inability to communicate, and

Wouldn’t google translate have been extremely beneficial to this man during his hearing? 

What do enlisted soldiers have to do with this? DHS just can’t just pull Private Pants into the office to translate.

Oh noes! The govt is trying to save money and simultaneously speed up the approval process? The horror!......??

Wait what? Hanging was a common method of captial punishment and is still in use. I’m against the death penalty but you have to at some point look at intent and not just knee jerk react. He was clearly saying that he supports the death penalty and believes (erroneously) that it’s a deterrent. You should probably

Do you work in a prison or do you have other plans we shouldn’t talk about? 

By your logic we need to get rid of grocery stores and restaurants of all types. You’re only allowed to eat from the weekly box of sustenance you pick up on your scheduled day (your pick up day will be assigned when turn 18) from the government food distribution center.  Allowing adults to choose what they eat has

There is no fathomable reason anyone would subject themselves to the dangerous trip to the U.S.-Mexico border if they did not have good reason to.”