
A best by date is not an expiration date. It is a marker used primarily on shelf-stable products that essentially do not ever go bad, rather losing nutritional value or flavor quality over time.

So, corrections to the article after finding a copy of the video that had audio...

How do you get into that line of work? I have often thought that the long miles of countryside might be kinda restful

Sorry, no. The tax credits were a poor idea to start with, rewarding manufacturers for doing something they already were getting around to anyway and allowing them to boost their margins by pricing their cars higher. GM, in particular, does not deserve this boon as it is personally responsible for setting back

That was an improvement? I am really beginning to think that some sort of Stockholm Syndrome like disorder has set in among some star wars fans.

I didn’t think a Porsche Cayenne could get any uglier or more hateful, I was wrong.

Is Tesla successful?

Keep in mind this is the estimate before they start work. Given that this is NYC we are talking about, expect the final bill to double at least before it is halfway done according to the schedule.

The door on the left is to allow the vehicle operator to access mailboxes without having to exit the vehicle. This is especially good for the driver in high traffic areas.

In theory yes, aerodynamic shapes would be better. In practice, over the course of life for a postal vehicle, generations of drivers, the savings on repairs and initial purchase from simplicity probably outweigh the savings from aerodynamic drag reductions.

On the base level, the endpoint came when ICBMs were cheaper, harder to intercept and didn’t make your allies glow in the dark on the way to their target.

Unless that remote area is Antarctica, odds are you will get hit by at least the exhaust plumes at some point. Even there it still may happen, polar approaches are popular for weapons tracks in simulations after all.

So it looks better than a Tesla, subjective I know but damn, it has a slightly bigger battery than a Tesla, it will almost certainly be price competitive with a Tesla, and it will be assembled by competent people instead of Tesla.

Also, when propositioned by a lot Lizard, Run, Hide, Lock The Everlovin Door, and whatever you do, DO NOT AGREE!

Finance is about to hit the grand experiment of full automation. Already high-speed trading is showing the path forward and humans are becoming increasingly irrelevant. If workers want to stay employed they will have to become cheaper, they can’t do that in Manhattan and maintain the lifestyle they expect for the work

No matter how much better the picture taking could have been that is still one seriously sad plate of barbecue.

Were all these people members of the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences? If not, there’s the reason.

So John Oliver increased NRA TV’s viewership by 100%, up from one person who has to make sure the channel is working. It boggles the mind how people think that NRA TV is in some way actually important to the NRA Strategists in a day and age where the internet exists and almost no one had heard of NRA TV until the

Out of curiosity, what European imports are there that are not Luxury Brands? For the most part, I think this just amounts to a new kind of luxury tax aimed straight at the wealthy as the only European brand that isn’t a luxury mark commonly available in the US is FIAT.

This sounds a lot like what they say about liberals, the wheel turns.