
Do you realize that you are complaining about stupid questions that were most likely created by people who are retired players of a sport where serious brain injuries are common as dirt to ask players who play the same sport?

While the PC movement is happy with this because it has good optics, the models are not so happy about it because they are losing a portion of their annual income.

From what I can tell, there are only three northern white rhinos left worldwide. those three are descended from a captive population of fifteen animals that has dwindled from a maximum population of thirty-two. It is almost certain that significant inbreeding has already occurred in this population unless extreme care

Done, and since this is an article that is an example of hijacking the aftermath of that tragedy for “black America” it will be even easier to remember.

“It’s the iPhone of autos,”

So, out of curiosity, how much is it going to cost to repair, because carbon fiber when it gets damaged likes to unravel and this is truck bed we are talking about.

That all marketing of legal substances that are extremely addictive is bad maybe?

Shame they won’t and neither will the equally batshit and eager to capitalize on tragedy Democrats. Two groups that together couldn’t make up enough of the US populace to get anyone elected if everyone in the US voted.

Oh yay, another movie that doesn’t lend itself to a sequel getting an awkward poorly thought out cash grab sequel... woo...

Hollywood does not pick the Best Picture for the nomination, it picks the Best Picture to represent what Hollywood thinks about itself at the time.

I mean it’s not like they make it easy to conceal, provide and advertise kid-friendly flavors, and advertise it in media that kids are likely to be exposed to using attractive, young, happy looking people to make it seem attractive to children and other groups that are very impressionable and at high risk of

Probably saves money on manufacturing. Think about it this way, they would have to make molds and forms specifically for the windowless side if they didn’t.

Consider for a moment the number of Teslas on the road, which is to say an insignificant number of vehicles compared to many other brands or even models. Consider also the general competency level of human drivers when given an opportunity to say, use a smartphone. Consider what happens when you sit them in a car that

Damnit Torch! Its a minivan! You made a Minivan!

The killings of Tupac and The Notorious B.I.G. are not really so much unsolved as impossible to narrow down the suspect pool enough for charges to be filed without the miraculous discovery of new evidence.

Delta might fo that, if other hubs were a rational or even available option, and if they had walnuts, they don’t, they don’t even seem to have peanuts anymore.

So let me get this straight. We are mad that a big business might lose its massive tax breaks because its marketing department had it ditch the NRA, but are not mad that a huge business might be or is getting big tax breaks while screwing over its customers wherever possible?

I’d like to know this as well. Is this really how much they cost out in Cali? I mean I know the cost of living is nuts out there, but damn.

Use TOR to download a free copy from the internet like the other rational but curious people.

So it is Trump’s responsibility to fight a civil war in a foreign country between a radical religious group that engages in war crimes and a government that thinks that’s its bag from time to time as well.