It is hilarious how people think the NRA is able to buy politicians with the pittances they are offering. It really is a minor, if not an insignificant player in the Washington money culture.
It is hilarious how people think the NRA is able to buy politicians with the pittances they are offering. It really is a minor, if not an insignificant player in the Washington money culture.
Darn, I was thinking corruption, protecting criminals from prosecution, wasteful spending, and a long history of extremely poor decision making.
Yes, please, do get them to drop one of the NRA’s greatest wastes of money so the NRA has more money to spend on other things that actually have value, like school marksmanship and firearm safety programs. Maybe they will be able to compete with a union or some other Democratic party approved lobbying group for the…
I wonder how much this study cost. Whatever it was the value was not returned. It is not exactly hard to develop the conclusion that foods that are harder for the body to digest and turn into energy, and thus take more energy for the body to process, produce less net energy for the body’s use.
Why was it so easy to support the Parkland youths while the youths in the Movement for Black Lives were repudiated and disregarded?
So, generic front end off of an obscure car from a single market makes more sense as an inspiration for that Bronco Concept than the Original Bronco that predates that obscure single market car by a decade? Sorry Torch, I like a good conspiracy theory but this isn’t one.
It still means that unlike Tesla, Mercedes is making a profit off of every Tesla sold.
I want you to stop for a second and consider what you just wrote, then tell me if it is in fact what you intended to say before I respond again.
I have, you seem unwilling to even admit to what country you are from let alone consider its faults.
This might surprise you, but individual US citizens contribute more to charitable causes as a group than many developed nations. The UN doesn’t care about that because to the UN individuals can only make a difference if they are part of an NGO like the UN.
I have bad news for you, politics already is treated as a career. There are university degrees in it and dynastic successions of politicians. Politics as a career is why we are where we are.
You apparently didn’t read section 3 of the ruling, allow me to share it and emphasize an important point so you see it.
UNHCR reports on National contributions, not the individual. More importantly, they report only on what they personally receive. Guess which one of us looked at the whole picture rather than the UN approved and glossed propaganda report designed to make the UN not look like an incompetent, impotent, and corrupt…
Abraham Lincoln was a lawyer. What do lawyers drive?
I don’t assume the Second Amendment must be repealed, thanks to the Supreme court I know it.
Ok, let us assume you are correct. Let us ban all guns. We can do this. It will just be a bitch of a process legally.
Not with a knife, but with a car, truck, van, bomb, poisons, easily. It could have been so much worse if he had gone those routes. Worse still, unlike guns, all of those things are available without a waiting period, background check or any other significant obstacles.
Everyone who was critical of the design spotted this as a potential problem with the single central stuck out screen. I’ll admit no one predicted the lack of a mechanical latch on the glovebox issue, mostly because it is such an obvious problem that someone would have to be willfully ignorant of it to miss it.
This, as you might have noticed, is not a software problem. The hardware failed. The single instrumentation and control system of the car broke in the process of injuring someone. Worse, its one of the problems with that idiotically centrally mounted screen that was expected since everyone first saw it. A thin plastic…
The single source of instrumentation and control in the car breaks because of a hard impact with an occupant of the car and causes injury to that occupant. That is a minor improvement needed? Did you help Steve Jobs design the apple space cult ship?