
Nah, can’t be. Like the glass walls and doors on the Apple Cult Campus if it isn’t invented there it is satan.

What is going to bother you is when you realize that the crazy bread bag mascot has them.

So what you are saying is that it is ok to discriminate against people because of their former employers. I’m going to go out on a limb here and not even bother to check because I feel safe in saying that this is in some way illegal.


Looks like the multiple tiers of structures that look to be at the back of a person’s throat when they open wide. Whats the big deal?

The general theory seems to be that people on food stamps need to be encouraged to get off of them. In a way that is an admirable sentiment, it would be a great thing if it were easy to find work that would allow them to pay for all their needs. The problem is that it is one that remains ignorant of why SNAP exists.

The reason, I’m guessing, for this presumably unspoken nonaggression pact on the issue, is that most elected Democrats are also rich, and a few of them engage in similar practices.

People think that words are harmful and dangerous. They are right when they are backed up by actions that are harmful and dangerous.

Meanwhile, I, like most people, am still amused by how the racists on all sides are still too busy screaming racist epitaphs at each other to get on with doing anything productive.

Anyone else have a sudden and inexplicable urge to add a Nissan Homy to their life?

Fire a projectile at a significant velocity at a target some distance away from an engineering standpoint. From a legal standpoint, the definition gets refined. Targets are animals (for food and sadly for trophies), actual targets for target shooting, and yes people who are attacking the holder of the firearm or

Actually, you are allowed to own grenades and rocket launchers.

Actually, I do know a bit.

First off, when you provide data you need to provide sources and context. If I had not bothered to do an image search based on what you posted I would not have found out the context. The context is a graph that solely deals with gun deaths, homicides and suicides. This by itself isn’t a very useful statistic, except

It is nowhere near as stupid as choosing to assume you have the right to speak for three other people though.

Congratulations, you have resorted to the most basic and lazy of logical fallacies in your argument, an Ad Hominem attack. It is usually used when people have no counterarguments, questions, or suggestions to make yet still for some reason feel the need to stroke their egos raw.

You’re right, it would stop interstate sales.

Well, the Democratic party doesn’t. They do have a lot of ideas about how to prevent guns while making sure their bodyguards are still armed to the teeth though.

Your ignorance of history is as hilarious as it is tragic and irresponsible.

Alright, eliminate those weapons. At the end of the day, you still have the ones you didn’t eliminate in circulation. Sooner or later they will be misused. So you eliminate those, and again, and again until there are no firearms left in private hands.