Or you could buy four to six potted and well established indoor herbs for the same price.
Or you could buy four to six potted and well established indoor herbs for the same price.
Or you could buy four to six potted and well established indoor herbs for the same price.
Or you could buy four to six potted and well established indoor herbs for the same price.
You forgot to mention Musk’s habit of buying up the failed and failing businesses of relatives for more than the assets he ends up owning are worth, while also leaving the majority of the business owned by other parties as a problem.
I am curious, why did you take idle speculation as a verifiable and testable scientific theory in both your article and the one you quoted it from?
More than likely cheddar man would kill you for being some sort of supernatural danger before you could get started, what with your strange and unnatural clothes, unintelligible gibbering and supernatural physical character. Assuming you did get started though, the magic sound and sight box would definitely do the…
So the actions of individuals, that is to say, the actions of things that are not in fact institutions constitute institutional racism.
That is the most ambitious combover in the history of combovers.
Maybe, but New Orleans is not a safe city, and few cities are safe at 1 am.
Sounds like a payday loan place actually.
What is GM doing right at the moment? Honestly, that is a damn good question.
It is the right of every student to decide whether they stand for the pledge, they also can decide whether or not to say it. Or at least that is what the courts seem to think. It is never the right of a public servant to assault someone for exercising their rights in a legal way.
Don’t forget the questions about Profitability, Sexism, Racism, and General Labor practices.
Yes, they have at least one, possibly more, electric motors. In the case of a Tesla, well let’s let Tesla count them
What a lovely couple and child.
The reason it is important is that the DNC and the Clinton Campaign paid and worked with foreign nationals to gather data and influence or change, through legal action, the results of the US presidential election. This is potentially a very big problem legally speaking and amusingly it is also the sort of thing that…
Pretty is not a word I would use to describe this vehicle. I would instead choose uninspiring, bland, generic, or perhaps if allowed more than one word, phoned in.
This is about Federal Employees who are incompetent or otherwise incapable of performing their job adequately, not appointees or elected officials. Do try to work on your reading comprehension.
One could do that, though I would do it as a joke in reference to Washington’s purported early status as a hazardous posting for diplomatic staff.
You don’t really understand how non-appointed Federal employees are hired, do you?
Yes, they are, which is why it is so remarkably hard to get rid of a Federal Employee. You somehow managed to miss that point.