
An emotional support animal is a note from a doctor that has had too much of your shit and is looking for an out or from a quack that likes your money more than having morals and ethics. The animal can be just about anything for anyone and usually has little or no training.

A suspension might be all they can do. The Family could sue the offenders for Battery, that is almost certain, but the school most likely will not have grounds for it.

I would imagine the same controls that are in place now that prevent that, as well as some that Congress would surely think up to protect their particular corners of the real estate. Despite what some may think the president himself does not have a lot of direct firing power over government officials and employees.

Also many of the Democrats, Judges, Directors of almost every single agency and so on and so forth. It would make for a hell of a cull, and that is why it won’t happen. No one who holds a seat in our government wants to be held accountable or responsible to anyone but themselves because they know what would happen to

I try not to go solely on my own opinions or trust those who rely solely on theirs. I do this because an opinion untempered by the effort to gather facts and figures is simply lazy and incompetent, like much of Congress. I would say all of Congress but I have not met or read enough of the work of a sufficient number

Seemed like a fair question to me. You would be surprised how many people don’t know how much of a pain in the ass it is to get a President removed from office.

There is a legal functional definition extent that can be used as the basis. The Public Trust Doctrine can be defined thus,

In order...

Perhaps you should consult the work of historians, sociologists, anthropologists and criminologists instead of a few terribly biased blogs. similarly biased mainstream media sources, and Wikipedia.

Despite claims to the contrary, how an economy works is not really all that well understood. If it were, we would rarely if ever have economic problems. As such, anyone talking about an economy is unwise to use absolutes.

They are a hyperaggressive, enormously violent, and extremely successful criminal organization made up almost entirely of people from or descended from residents of Latin American Countries. They are engaged in just about every criminal enterprise that doesn’t come with a white collar, though not for lack of money or

Lots of people talk about MS-13. They just don’t get the same press that Republicans do when the media is desperate for something to report on and say, “Look how EVIL the Conservatives are! BURN THE WITCH!” But I digress...

And what Legal methods did the officer have to help ensure she got back on her feet that would not have also removed her child from her custody? I can assure you that it is almost guaranteed that CPS would have taken her child and removed her parental rights no matter which legally available option she chose. The

The general rule of thumb, unless direct causal factors can be noted then the first two years of a presidential term are spent dealing with the fuckups and successes of the previous president’s last term in equal measure. In some cases, it can occupy the work of the entire first term of a president fixing what went

You seem to be interpreting those words, shall we say, liberally.

Would you be happier if she had them up on an article 89 violation, thus potentially facing the maximum penalty of a bad conduct discharge, loss of pay and benefits and a year in a military prison? At a bare minimum, unless her own record of service is crap, they would face significant hurdles in getting promotions,

Congratulations, by writing this you are feeding the Kardashian machine. If you really wanted to hurt them, stop talking about them.

Ryan, looking at the Goodyear site it is the G159A that is rated at 75 mph. Is it possible that this accounts for the change in speed recommendation by Goodyear?

The current gen of the tire is the G159A and is rated for 75mph on Goodyear’s website. It is not suggested by Goodyear as a tire for RVs or Campers. I would imagine the older G159 which topped off at 65mph was also not recommended for sale to those purposes either.