
The district of Columbia may have a one-party consent law, but because of where it happened this may have violated some much more serious laws. It is one thing to record a conversation with some guy at the cell phone hut making promises, it is another entirely to make recordings in the Whitehouse. If Trump were

Arizona was actually heavily salvaged during the war. Much of its upper works and accessible armaments were removed and repurposed for other vessels or, in the case of her main battery, shore defenses.

In this case, it is probably a safety or salvage value matter.

Sea Graves and their handling are largely determined by either the nation in which waters they lie or the originating nation of the vessel/sailors. Sometimes the two parties come to an agreement. In international waters, the law is different and either salvage laws and treaties apply or a might makes right approach

If you really want a Sherman you need to be ready to pay around $300k for a decent runner. Taking one of those rusty hulks from that condition to runner functional, probably more like $2-3 million.

Yes, because he did it for personal gain and in a way that makes the GT look like an undesirable product. This, unless the auction goes stupid low, will be fantastic PR Print.

Can we send him to North Korea, that should solve everyone’s problems.

Let us be fair, The Root is decidedly racist in its content far too often. Sometimes it is even racist against African Americans which really confuses me. On the other hand, it does have guest writers that show up from time to time with some delightfully insightful and intelligent articles. We have to take the good

You liked it being a propaganda piece straight out of the Joseph Goebbels handbook?

Understandable, both are thoroughly forgettable movies.

I’m game. You dig the pit, I know a guy for badgers.

Anyone else disappointed they didn’t face plant into some construction equipment or something?

So, what you are saying that with the entire Democratic and Liberal Media Armada deployed in support of DACA it will do better than the ACA with the same support.

Take a look at the numbers for support of a DACA solution among Democrats, they aren’t doing well. Do you think they will push hard on an issue that their supporters no longer consider core in a year when many of them are up for elections?

The Europeans and other country groupings already have their own “migration” problems that they are dealing with. In Europe, the Anti-migrant sentiment is getting so bad that never again political philosophies like nationalism are gaining strong footholds all over the place or reemerging in places they were thought

DACA seems to be losing support, even among Democrats these days. The Polls are saying that voters, even democratic ones think Congress can spend its time in better ways. Support among Democrats for DACA is hovering around 50% but results are falling below that mark. Do you think Democratic Politicians will want to

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the Democrats lost their credibility when the government funding bill passed. They promised a shutdown over DACA, they folded in the face of the reality that all voters get pissed off when you tank the government, no matter how good you think your reason is.

In case you missed the Memo the Democrats have already caved on DACA after threatening a government shutdown if it wasn’t addressed. Worse, when protesters showed up on their doorstep demanding action only two Democrats could be bothered to come out and say hi. For more fun, if you judge them by their actions leading

The only thing that California banning new sales of fossil-fueled cars will do is create an enormous amount of growth for the in-state used car market and a major outflow of cash to out of state new car dealers. That is unless everyone else on earth bans the sale of new fossil-fueled cars, don’t hold your breath on

Here is what is going to happen to Tesla.