Somehow it was missed in first gear that there is also still a lot of concern about the cost and complexity of battery replacements for both new and used cars that rely on those batteries for motive power.
Somehow it was missed in first gear that there is also still a lot of concern about the cost and complexity of battery replacements for both new and used cars that rely on those batteries for motive power.
Here’s a big question I have been wanting to know the answer to that wasn’t really addressed. How much worse is it having to drift your eyes over to that tablet in the middle and find the driving data that you need compared to an instrument cluster on a normal car?
I still wish they had made a Roadable Turbo C. It somehow manages to look beefy, low slung, angry, small and fragile at the same time.
Meanwhile, while groups have been ranting about this, other things that will actually stick that they would normally be hating on have been going on and through.
Liberals in the comment section demonstrating just how shallow and hateful they are, check.
Because unlike Britney, Steve Harvey is still famous.
I am going to be honest here. I had no idea Britney Spears was still alive, let alone performing anywhere and I really did not care to know either.
Or, and stay with me on this, it might be due to the fact that we get things far more startling, offensive, and disgusting in the course of the scripted TV programming offered on the same channels.
1. Give us more original action franchises.
Oh, get over it. It is not that hard a thing to go from driving on one side of the road, or car to the other. Buy that crazy beautiful British sports car and revel in the driving and constant wrenching joy it brings to your life!
I am noticing some significant structural renovations.
There isn’t enough money in the world to make that thing appealing to me. Now, if you stuff it full of explosives and gasoline then set it on fire and pay me to watch the destruction, I might be interested in putting up with the eye bleed.
At the very least this is second-degree murder being a killing caused by dangerous conduct and the offender’s obvious lack of concern for human life.
You aren’t kidding there. Most police, even the ones who are ex-military, seem to have a woeful lack of basic firearms training let alone the advanced situational training they really need to be constantly drilled in to allow them to properly judge situations on the fly and use their tools correctly. It is so bad in…
That looks like someone using the accepted hand sign for OK to me. How is OK a white supremacist thing?
What would have happened if Malsky had rushed the stage and taken a swing at Robo-Trump? Are the bots programmed to defend themselves? Can they fight back?
That’s why you eat in instead of taking out! You can get refills that way.
Congrats. You have in this short statement outlined much of what is wrong with the Democratic party and its policies. Add in a hatred of doing things above board and a love of rich donors who you meet behind doors locked so the media can’t report on what you are really up to and you have it almost completely covered.
Better idea, let the Democratic Party die and start something better instead of keeping this sociopathic collection of misanthropes on life support.
Slow news day? Slow news day.