
I think I am more disturbed that an adult would make CG versions without making them vaguely sane.

If you tow something and it gets damaged in the process, don’t be surprised if you get the bill.

Well of course not! Put the top back on and the tree won’t fall in there ya nut!

That is hilarious. Here is what is more likely to happen.

Oh, Oprah could manage it. It would hurt, but she could do it. Possibly even without help. The Panthers are only valued at around $2.3 Billion, Oprah has around $2.8 Billion.

I can almost guarantee they don’t have the money. Even if they did though, the odds of the owner’s group approving the sale with both Diddy and Kaepernick involved would be somewhere on the line of a snowball’s chance in the core of the sun unless they somehow completely change their public image or their private

This is nice and all, but unlikely to change the ongoing spiral towards the history books that this and many other small population languages are experiencing.

Keep in mind that every single ban is being appealed in court and they are all working through in different places at different paces for reasons that boggle my mind, probably so that the people filing suit don’t get nailed for frivolous suits by dropping the ones that don’t actually matter.

The manufacturers are of the impression that it hides the shape and detail of their unreleased car. Or they are of the impression that it makes people seek these test mules out and helps them build pre-production hype. Possibly both.

Ah, there it is, a meme that showed up in 2015 and died a few months later for all intents after never really catching on. I can only imagine it died off because it just doesn’t really work and the reference point was awkward and antiquated unless you were old enough to remember the Brady Bunch series on major network

If I had the money, no question. This is one of my perfect Garage Cars. Ok, in a perfect world it would be the for all intents British Racing Green with a more earth tone interior, but what are the odds of that showing up with mileage this low?

And people keep telling me that we don’t need to be afraid of the government or able to defend ourselves from it.

No more than we can go any amount of time without some other poorly defined and extremely large group screwing something up in some way that offends some group or another.

So for you hasty and quiet means broadcast with a small delay for editing and SAP services nationwide for the live feeds, while being recorded by members of the white house press pool in the oval office, and with sufficient advanced notice to interested parties for them to be there and ready to get the job done.

If Politics like this determines your food purchasing habits you really should be having trouble eating anything that you don’t grow or raise yourself.

The best generation of Corvettes, bar none. Others may look better from some angles or handle better or have better performance, but these look great from every angle, drive well, you could wrench on them to your heart’s content and you could pull all the performance anyone could ever want out of them with a bit of

For some people a car is great, others not so much. Even if it is great according to everyone that does not mean it is something you really want to live with. Try living with an MGB for a while, fantastic little car, fun to drive, looks good, comfortable even if you are over six feet tall despite its small size. But

The H2 was such a catastrophic failure after what was the limited glory of the originals. Sadly, the H3s never had a chance to prove their worth, and they were in many ways quite good vehicles on and off the road.

Better idea, eliminate the minimum wage loophole that lets people be paid less than minimum wage if they get to keep tips.