
To be fair and honest this is probably as much about liability as control and discouragement. Having children and adults in a mixed holding environment can be very dangerous for children. Likewise, women in a mixed holding environment with men is not a great idea either, and for many of the same reasons. That is not

This isn’t even a racist cretin thing. Local governments in the US are often run like little fiefdoms by the people elected to them and they design their actions to perpetuate their place among the royalty of their fief.

IIRC the front and middle wheels are all steerable along with some of the rear wheels. It does not turn with any degree of the word tightly though so routes have to be carefully planned.

So what you are saying is that even in the Zombies mode this game commits the greatest sin of all for a game, not being fun.

They do it because it is the highest their intellect can aspire to for enjoyment. That it is below the pull my finger joke in terms of comedic value doesn’t bother them because it is all they have.

I tell you what, that seems a lot nicer than a Leaf to me.

History tells us that you are partially right. There will be a jump in hybrid sales. In such situations, demand for high fuel efficiency cars and hybrids goes up.

Well, for starters all-electric vehicles carry a premium price tag vs. their conventional counterparts. When you can get a car that is as good or better for less and does not suffer from the inherent shortcomings of relying solely on battery power you are not going to be so enthusiastic.

And then missed that the “Door” came completely off instead of staying attached like it does normally, broke the large debris ingress prevention mesh on the inside, or else somehow did not notice gas splashing back out, while somehow also not noticing that the gas cap was entirely missing

The biggest question of autonomous car tech has yet to be answered. Who is the responsible party with autonomous tech?

That looks like a low rent ninja in a C list movie.

So let us start with how we go about assuming this person isn’t a complete idiot and totally responsible for this. We aren’t going to think about how the gas gauge has an arrow that tells you which side the fuel filler is on. We are also going to ignore that the gas tank side also has a standard issue cap under the

It looks, off somehow. I can’t put my finger on it but something just doesn‘t seem right about it visually.

How am I not arguing in good faith?

Alright, you want to go back to the point of the article, which was Immigrant Farmworkers being forced to keep picking crops amid California wildfires.

Several of my good friends who initially worked in South Texas Agriculture on work Visas did it. One works at Google now, two are Doctors with successful practices, another owns one of the farms he used to work on, one is now a phlebotomist, the last is an architect. All of them are also now US citizens, the last

Ah yes, the Union’s make it possible for people to get paid to not work argument. They also make it possible for the people who run the Unions to be as wealthy as the people they “Fight” against, own Yachts, and have all expenses paid holidays and conventions in some of the most luxurious places in the world on the

As you requested I have refreshed my memory.

Why not? Are they all Sex offenders? Convicted Felons? God Help us all, are they Politicians!?!?

This is again a freedom of choice issue not a forced labor issue. So the article and its title are lies.