
First, Federal Law Enforcement Agencies cannot simply order the adoption of a policy that is not law. Even then it is a tricky subject and more likely to involve giving advice or if a law was broken arresting the perpetrator. The continued existence of “Sanctuary” Cities is an excellent example of this.

Have you read this document? If not here it is...

It is nice and all that you want to motivate people, but short of buying a bunch of Republican Congress members and getting a law passed that locks down Net Neutrality nothing is going to stop them killing it.

Easily, since they are the only games in town and progressing ever closer to being a monopoly as mergers and buyouts continue.

I imagine it isn’t too huge a sigh of relief for Tesla and GM. They are well on schedule to expend their part of the credit program sometime in 2018-19.

Why does this car look like it has a bad eye infection?

If it is found they have committed some criminal activity or even just enough to kick them off the case or fire them then it’s going to taint every single piece of evidence they had contact with.

This sounds really great until you realize that only 18-20% of registered voters decided to show up to cast a ballot at all. That means that fewer people bothered to vote than there are African Americans in Alabama. Moreover, Moore only lost by about 1.5% apparently, that speaks volumes more about this election

This sounds really great until you realize that only 18-20% of registered voters decided to show up to cast a ballot at all. That means that fewer people bothered to vote than there are African Americans in Alabama. Moreover, Moore only lost by about 1.5% apparently, that speaks volumes more about this election

Or you could buy a decent set of circumaural headphones thus not having to trick them into staying on, achieving better sound quality, and not risking losing parts or all of your hearing because of your earbuds.

Now playing

You are not picking on GM Torch. They have just done a phenomenal job over the years making some truly miserable cars. On the bright side though, at least that means that their cars have personality. I honestly prefer great or awful to something that is just kinda there.

According to Apple...

You might be surprised how fast a battery dies on a hot day.

Updated Monday, Dec. 11, 2017, 6:13 p.m. EST: It seems as though no one can verify the authenticity of the alleged Instagram account belonging to Kimberly Jones. The previous Instagram account below has been wiped of its profile photo, and a Wayback Machine search showed that it once belonged to a teenager, who may be

Best way to deal with religious nuts is to patiently outlive them. As rational thought and scientific society advance, religion decreases over time. Except in the US, we are an odd outlier in that progression.

Alright, so let’s do what I suggested and let someone else screw it up for a while, see how they like the ridicule.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but ISIS would never have occurred if the colonial powers had broken up their empires intelligently instead of conveniently.

How about this, we take the debt out of the cost of ongoing US participation in UN Peace Keeping operations, starting with the costs of the permanent military presence in Korea, a war the UN is a co-belligerent in.

And every single problem in the middle east, and large tracts of the rest of the world, can be traced to the end of colonialism and how the territories were split up along convenient political lines for the fleeing colonial powers rather than on the real social lines of societies living there. If you really want to

Sorry, going to have to disagree with you there. The US populace has bled more than enough and spent more than enough for the failures of other parts of the world. It is time we hand off the baton to the people who think they are just as good and important as the US and see how they like dealing with all the failed