
You forgot step number the first, sign up for an identity theft prevention and insurance company. Sure as the sun rises in the morning every piece of data entered into and accessible from this app will be sold by Apple to anyone willing to pay.

Here’s a though, maybe the EU and China could step up to the plate and grow a pair, reach deep into their wallets and pay out a significant portion of their economy like US taxpayers do if they are so concerned. If they are feeling really generous and concerned maybe they could spend as much as the fed does on

Bad news on that, this was a president finally implementing something that Congress signed into law. Previous presidents used presidential orders to delay the move of the embassy. So, assuming Congress represents the will of the American people, ok so they really represent the richest of their lobbying friends, then

The side view is just terrible. It looks so cheap and half-assed from that angle.

It seems odd that there would be so specific a response. I mean a wiki article summary or something maybe, but why such a very particular response?

“How did a white supremacist get a job as an equal employment officer?”

So what you are saying is that they do the exact same thing their political opposition does.

What you are saying is that you think the world would be better if companies disappeared when their owners die. That leaving behind any property to your family and friends is evil. That scholarship grant programs established by private people as part of their estate planning is criminal. That the Nobel Peace Prize is

Honestly, this just kinda what happens when your schedule isn’t ambitious, you use older technologies, and you are recycling old content rather than creating new.

To be honest I have never seen this happen except at bars, near the fraternities or players dorms on college campuses and in grade schools. The first is expected because of drunks, the second is expected because of idiots, and the third is because children aren’t fully developed socially yet.

Here is a thought, just wear what you want. If people judge you for that, that is their problem, not yours. Unless you want to wander around in a dress made of spoiling meat. If that is the case you had better be rich and famous or you will be committed to an asylum for an indeterminate period.

Those door handles always struck me as a probable point of repeated and comical failure. They are neat, but when you make something so mechanically overcomplicated that it needs a mechanism to release it to do its basic function without a reason for needing the mechanism it is not surprising when it fails.

“Cost is not an indicator of reliability“

Death and terrible injuries can and do happen in many jobs if you don’t do it right.

I had no idea there were any S-2 Trackers left flying in the US. This picture pleases me.

Hawaiian is not the same as Samoan, they are two Polynesian cultures, but they are not the same.

Honestly, she looks generic European descent female with a little bit of a tan or skin shading one each. She also acts that way so I am not seeing how this is so surprising.

It made it over 214,000 miles? It’s a Maserati? You are sure? Damn, thats a rare beast, I would have expected it to spontaneously combust, explode, shoot a crankshaft through a wall and kill its owners by now. This one must be one of the rare ones that was assembled with competence. NP.

Knowing Musk, he will probably want to open his own branded chain of truck stops to skip the middleman.

Not a Pyramid scheme no, but a Ponzi scheme might be a fit. He certainly seems to keep pulling in ridiculous amounts of capital to pay for one thing and then using it to pay for another older thing that had its money used to pay for an even older thing.