
I wouldn’t, it is barely in the ocean and the wheels are already rusting over.

Inflatable Duck Float, I have seen similar swan ones that look as bad or worse.

Inflatable Duck Float, I have seen similar swan ones that look as bad or worse.

I see you are almost completely unfamiliar with that story.

Compromise, she doesn’t get the abortion but the AG has to adopt the baby and provide for her care during the pregnancy.

He made a promise, he broke it, the people he made the promise to did not appreciate that he lied to them, he suffered the consequences, it is as simple as that. Why is this a newsworthy issue?

Or it could be a Cummins Test Truck since it looks like one.

Thanks for reminding me how crap horror movies have been since 2000...

I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that they can’t explain it because it isn’t true or they got it from a letter where Musk says it is true without explaining why, and it isn’t true.

So a Protest is great if it is football players and other people paid great sums of money to engage in a leisure activity professionally do it, but if the Vice president does so he is a special snowflake.

Thats not so bad, look at the Flocken Elektrowagen sometime. Fine German Engineered electric car!

Yes, in fact they have been labeled as such for a long time. Various Neo-Nazi Groups, the KKK, Certain Green Movement groups and so on and so forth that are predominately white and/or express white racist motives.

Twelve, in California, Maryland and New Jersey. The Supreme Court overturned D.C.’s law so even those are just a matter of time till they are gone. South Carolina was interestingly the first state to pass such a law and later repealed it.

Generally similar to the other state restrictions. Federal level ones are more relaxed but FFA items are still subject to normal restrictions. The addition of instant background checks also has changed how gun shows do their sales in recent years.

The root of all criminal activiy is either mental health or poverty. If you can minimize both, elimination is impossible, you minimize the problems they create.

Here’s a thought, why don’t we go after the roots of the problem, stigmatisation of mental health issues and crap mental health care piled on top of a failing economic system that is working very hard to eliminate the middle class by turning it into the poor instead of by eliminating poverty.

They also apparently make lists about what they think people who are racist but in denial say.

There are at least three that could have been applicable but the ATF ruled that the device was not covered under any of them. This despiute it fitting clearly the legal machinegun deffinition.

The Root, where Racism from the other side is alive and well.

This design came out because of the NY SAFE Act that made rifles with removable magazines of any capacity and grips separate from the stock illegal. As AR type rifles have both something new had to be made. So, instead of a stock that is fixed to the recoil tube they fix the stock to the grip.