
Keep in mind that bump stocks could have been made illegal under existing laws but were reviewed by the Federal Government and found to be compliant at less restrictive levels. I disagreed with the decision at the time and wrote in during the review period about it.

New Vegas betting pool, how many NASCAR drivers turn left on the right hand turns.

I find the chevy Bolt to be a depressing overpriced reskin and re-engine of another chevy car that I find overpriced cramped and depressing.

I mean its not like a few thousand pounds of material traveling at speed could be dangerous if used with malicious intent right?

If you think this is bad, you ought to spend time volunteering or working for almost any help or tip line. You will have nightmares about what people might be saying about or doing to you while you are not looking or in earshot for years after you quit. God help you if you work as a 911 operator.

Two hundred and forty miles EPA estimated range, which only occurs in absolutely pristine conditions in a laboratory. Your range may vary wildly depending on weather, traffic conditions, personal driving behavior...

Or Travel further than the range regainable on a lunch break plus your overnight charge.

Even people who do like it are having trouble buying one!

Here is the one question that you didn’t ask, and the most important one. Why at all?

Ah, another product for Tesla to fail at manufacturing and making money on.

Tell the News Media, not the people who already know their history. Ok I suppose some of the people here didn’t know about some or most of these, but I learned about most of this when I was in school, in Texas. As a result I assume that in other places that are less, shall we say restrictive, in their scope of

I am glad you got the help you needed, but the strict gun laws are not the reason you did not kill yourself.

Absolutely nothing other than personal ego stroking. Some believe this is raising awareness for the Black Lives Matter movement, or something, I don’t really know anymore as it has mostly become a story about whether or not it is disrespectful to the United States as a country. All I know is that kneeling is not a

Is anyone really surprised?

It still looks like a Dodge Stratus.

A suppressor/silencer would not have changed anything. Despite rants to the contrary from the gun ban lobby and democrats this type of device does not silence a weapon, make it harder to directionally locate, create magic stealth death bullets that throw people through walls and explode heads or do any of the other

“What [a suppressor] does is it disperses the sound, so you can’t identify where the sound is coming from,” Democratic Rep. Mike Thompson explained to the Chronicle. “It puts both law enforcement and the public at risk.”

I had no idea Monique Judge was not a US Citizen.


See how fast that changes when those states are not willing to go to the extremes that California is.