
No one is making you watch the Avatar Movies. If you don’t want more made, vote with your money and don’t.

And here is why it doesn’t matter and has not for a very long time. Satellite surveillance.

Wax Paper catches fire in the oven, parchment paper doesn’t.

It is not an untrue statement, just one that is rather blunt.

Why didn’t the car detect the onrushing semi and say this is a bad idea? It has the sensors for it, and in fact they seem to imply in their marketing material that this should be something that would happen.

Here’s a though, don’t wear tight pants. They don’t look good anyway except on the balance books of clothing companies in the enless cycle between tight and loose, are uncomfortable unless custom fit and don’t work well for any kind of labor other than cubicle sitting.

Now there is a good question. California has difficulty keeping the power on as it is. California has no working plans for solving its current load issues, at least not within the lifetime of the lawmakers in office. Add to the current load the complete replacement of all new car sales with electric ones and you will

The wrong message may be getting focused on in this. The problem to me doesn’t seem to be about race or lack of characters with appropriate skin color to cosplay as, but the sad fact that these people are so desperate for the approval of others that the fear that they won’t recieve it terrifies them into inaction in

So how much money is Anker giving you guys to constantly advertise their products like this?

So how much money is Anker giving you guys to constantly advertise their products like this?

I love it when a patent pending Torchinsky Wacky Plan comes together.

I hope the people in both states are getting the pitch forks and torches ready to help explain why providing pork for this disaster is a bad idea to the extra thick skulled politician subspecies of humanity.

Thats impressive, if it were Tesla they would have looked for a way to never pay it back and get more money to never pay back.

What kind of Psychopath are you talking about? Psychosis are a broad spectrum of mental disorders that effect many people, not just the one percent you seem to think.

Jesus Fucking Tapdancing Lich King Christ! I own cars that cost less than an iPhone apparently! They also will last longer and provid a lot more useful and entertaining service.

Is anyone really surprised at this point?

Why wasn’t a part of this teachable moment that rioting is not an appropriate reaction because it only serves to do damage to random people rather than the individuals that inspired it? Oh, and also because it is illegal.

I wasn’t expecting African Americans to be added to the list of groups The Root’s authors are racist towards.

Climate change is real. Climate change being primarily caused by, let alone correctable by, humans is still up in the air.

Ah, the 97% consensus. A reference, originally that is, to a paper that cherry picked its data by choosing only a handful of journals specific ally chosen for their inclusion of articles that were frequently misconstrued to be in support of anthropogenic warming. Many of those articles had little or nothing to do with

I’m afraid you have it backwards. He is selling for $500 and the people come there and back out of the deal when they see the car and aren’t getting the ridiculous deal they thought they were. He’s selling, and honestly for cheap, for all the rust on its body that Z is probably worth more just for the original spares