Its also not something the insurance companies would allow you to sell as new or used, just salvage. More than likely the Insurance just wrote them off as totalled even if it is quite possible to get them running good as new.
Its also not something the insurance companies would allow you to sell as new or used, just salvage. More than likely the Insurance just wrote them off as totalled even if it is quite possible to get them running good as new.
Climate change means that the climate changes. This is a given as the earth’s climate has shifted greatly over its history ranging from a molten surface with no breathable atmosphere to long ice ages.
Just because your favorite propagandist says so, does not make it so.
What correlation is there between Irma and Harvey and Climate change? We have been in a long hurricane drought in the US both in number and magnitude, which I will note has also been claimed as a dire effect of climate change as well. Further, while devastating economically because of where they hit and the poor…
Another good reason to turn it off, save some battery time.
They do not have the authority to change Federal law that says Income Tax returns are private and remain so at the discretion of the filer.
Because it is fun.
I second this. No one needs to be on steal your information and sell it to the highest bidder book.
Alright, will all the California Lawmakers be doing so as well? Last I checked California law does not require them to do it, and they do not.
Is it really that hard to believe? Think about it, all Kaepernick has done is kneel during national anthems. He hasn’t gone and spent time to help underprivilidged kids, not bothered to establish scholarships, never considered filing suit against any laws, not even offered any ideas at all on a solution to what he is…
To be fair, he never got around to doing anything other than protesting the National Anthem. He didn’t establish a scholarship fund, go out to help educate and empower disadvantaged youths, file suit to challenge laws, march arm in arm with other protesters in the face of inept police and violent opposition from all…
When did we start caring about the minds of football players for anything other than brain injury data?
So it is like sex in a Canoe?
I hate to be the spoil sport here, but it probably has as much to do with regional instabilities and poor infrastructure as anything else.
You appear to want the REALLY long answer.
You are making a very big assumption and it is a false one. The assumption is that Corporations pay any taxes at all.
That isn’t so bad. Worst I have seen was a minivan folded around a metal utility pole lengthwise. There was a family of five on the inside, for certain values of inside. The entire utility pole had to be removed and replaced because elements of the van frame had welded to it in the impact structurally weakening it.
There is probably a legal or at least rules reason further information is not forthcoming. Specifically the police may be required by law to withhold information about minors even when they are subjects of a criminal investigation or prosecution. If the prosecutors decide to try the defendants as adults you can be…
Why should people care?
Odds are 99% of people would have never noticed for the simple reason that no one except the alt-reich and alt-left would recognize it.