
Can we stop giving this pissant little Neo-Nazi prick media coverage please?

We will need to make some adjustments to your example in order for it to fit the same scenario as Tesla’s autopilot.

Jesus H. Fucking Tapdancing Lich King Christ! Get rid of that damn fake kidney grill now!

I am unsure how you got all that from me pointing out that monuments tend to be privately funded and erected at the behest of private organisations that complete public application processes. Which is the truth by the way, very few monuments are commissioned by, paid for, and erected at the direction of the

Someone please tell me this was supposed to be funny. . .

So then, it obviously doesn’t cost Tesla anything extra to put this feature in the car. It is afterall there by default from manufacture whether or not you paid to have it unlocked and they are happy enough with having you pay the lower price for a vehicle that has everything in it needed to make this feature work. So

Do I really need to point out the problems inherent in a study where the study group is both a volunteer group and then cherry picked for candidates or is this what passes for science now?

The warning on the box makes me think of the labels I find on some chemical optical devices and film processing tools.

The US Energy Information Administration likes to deal in numbers of total installed capacity, not actual power generated. Not all renewables operate at installed capacity constantly, or in some cases even at all. from what I can tell on their site that graph was produced using that normal methodology. I didn’t dig

I am familiar with this study, they cherry picked their data by basing it on total installed capacities instead of actual generated power. In theory the renewable power sources in those areas could provide that level of effective fuel economy if they operated at full capacity all the time, they do not. As such the MPG

Trump has to get started somewhere if he wants to break past Obama’s record setting number of deportations.

Obama, not the US people or the US Government made a promise to the, “Dreamers,” one he knew would only stick as long as it was politically convenient for whoever was president or congress. Thats the thing about a presidential order, it is a one person show and thus only one person can be blamed for it unless it is

And so the dissapointment begins, for people other than me.For me it started after playing the game a fair bit and then noting the AAA price tag on a game that really doesn’t feel AAA.

Kill it with FIRE!!! ALL THE FIRE!!!

Congratulations on being able to restate my first sentence in a different way and partly in capital letters. You must be proud.

“Dreamers,” are by deffinition, even Obama’s, not Americans. They are applicants to a program specifically for a defined group of illegal immigrants who arrived in this country as children. In most states the legal deffinition of children is generally determined by having not reached the US Age of Majority of 18

Trump at no time provided, “Dreamers,” a reason to trust he would not rescind DACA. In fact it was his stated intent to do so. Nor did the, “Dreamers,” at any time express any degree of trust in Trump to not rescind DACA. They and their supporters have in fact spoken quite loudly and frequently that it was their

One can only betray a group that they are part of. Trump has never claimed to be a part of that group, only recently has he even claimed to be sympathetic in any way. The group in question the, “Dreamers,” likewise has made no claim to trump, other than perhaps as a mortal enemy. Given the opinions of both parties it

I can’t remember the last time i heard an actual Republican not in a political office or the media talk about Rush. On the other hand I hear endless diatribes from Liberals about him. I am seriously beginning to think that almost all of his audience is just Liberals that hate him.

Eh, you folks do what you want. I gave up on you after you decided to pay badge premium price for mediocre coffee.