They have until May 5th next year apparently. That is when the first DACA recipient’s amnesty will lapse. After that, the first deportation proceedings will happen.
They have until May 5th next year apparently. That is when the first DACA recipient’s amnesty will lapse. After that, the first deportation proceedings will happen.
Don’t forget the excellent work both parties have done explaining through practice that no matter how we vote or what we say they are going to do what they want, not what we the voting public need or want. As if that would be alienating!
Except that the President doesn’t own those gifts.
Could I have an old Bronco instead? The Land Cruiser is nice and all but I just don’t want one.
There would be no panic buying if the Media, meaning you guys and the other idiots doing this, would stop saying there is a shortage when there isn’t. Even if all the refineries in Texas were shut down, which they aren’t, the US would still be refining more gas than it uses. So stop perpetuating this lie and start…
Did you ever consider that this is not merely just her perception but a mirror of the public image being projected by rappers who are unfortunately the most visible public face of the African American community?
Did you actually just say that people’s children should not be allowed to attend the same schools they did just because their parents or grandparents or however many generations of separation you want to stretch it to went to them?
What is more disturbing than anything anyone does or says in this video is how the authorities who should have stopped the chaos just stood there and watched.
The Dems are the enemy as well, and they are not really the enemy of the Republicans. In fact they have a vested interest in keeping the Republicans in bussiness. You see, if they don’t then the Republicans will be replaced by someone else that they don’t know or understand, let alone have backroom and under the table…
10 million barrels a day is what the US needs. With all the refineries onlune we make 18 million. Texas refineries account for 6 million of that and less than half of that capacity is offline. Do the math.
Practicality is a matter of cost versus benefit. Normally it is too expensive to import gas to California because it is cheaper to refine there than it is to transport from outside given pricing/demand. If gas prices and demand go up enough import becomes more appealing. So, not a lie, just an economic truth.
That assumes there is a shortage. The US has production capacity in excess of its needs, even if all the refineries in Texas are offline. Only about half of them are or are running at reduced capacity. So, yeah, no actual shortage. Just idiots creating artificial shortage because they are panicking.
We have 230 million barrels of gas in storage.
Yeap, artificial shortages and price hikes created on a local scale by panicky idiots.
I see there are people looking to be ticketed, or immolated. Either one could happen with gas being stored like this.
What that is, is illegal, and not a small ticket either.
Great reporting except for the total failure to do background.
Oh for gods sake don’t vote for the Democrats. They are the reason we have this guy in the President’s office. What we need is to drop the parties and all the dead weight they carry. We need people who can think, feel and hear, not demagogues and charlatans willing to sell their souls to the highest bidder.
We are not, two statistically unimportant groupings of activist organisations are, one of which is statistically less significant than the other.
No, its fair and reasonable. Not only that, it would force companies that are now able to half ass on employee benefits to actually treat their employees decently.