
I don’t find the term Illegal Immigrant or its variances to be mutually exclusive with Human. By definition all illegal immigrants are human. This will remain the case until such time as sapient beings that are not humans start to immigrate illegally. At that point I will be more specific.

I am really starting to be fascinated by the subject of hate speech in non-European descent groups.

Given historical evidence, no. L’oreal generally prefers its models to be silent unless it helps sell their products to as broad an audience as possible. Controversy of any sort is bad for brand image so they will have weighed the long term potential problems of having someone paid to be a face use that to build a

He left because he had been on the job for many years and seen this shit too many times.

It was because after spending decades on the job seeing people from south of the border do this kind of shit to their friends and families he couldn’t take it anymore.

I find your implication that illegal immigrants cannot be human disturbing. I also find typing out, “humans that are immigrating illegally,” to be long winded, repetitive, and structurally limiting.

Last I checked the character of Santa Claus is rooted in the religious tradition around Saint Nicholas of Myra, saint of children, which was then recombined with several pagan myths and evolved from there as many modern christian figures did. The related pagan/christian traditions are all European, English, Belgian,

I’ll be certain to tell my buddy who is a former ICE agent, he left his job after a bad case where he caught a Coyote, human trafficker, running illegals up from Chihuahua. He and the other agents involved were attacked by the fucker who had padlocked a bunch of kids in a truck in the desert and was holding them

The Governor doesn’t really do much in Texas honestly other than distract from the Lieutenant Governor who has much more real functional power. Texas is a weak Governor state. Most of the relief and reconstruction activity will be controlled and directed by various agencies and committees. About the only real things

So the reaction to the actions of a singular, “person,” and I do use the term loodely, deemed appropriate by the community of people related solely by having a similar amount of melanin production in their genetic makeup is to riot, burn property and potentially murder people unrelated to the offender. How is that

How are the actions of this creature state sponsored?

How are ANTIFA not bullies?

Isn’t the report still available on the appropriate agency website(s)? Or has it been expunged from the places where you would reasobably go to get this sort of research data as well?

They didn’t really. There are countries that will not accept this passport, others that you will be arrested on attempting to enter with it, and some where you will probably just dissapear.

I have bad news for the judge, despite belief to the contrary betrayal of the public trust is not unconstitutional, If you doubt this just look at the Presidency, Congresses at the US and State levels, both Political Parties and so on.

It will be interesting to see if he can sell the self defense and defense of others claim in court. It will also be interesting to see what the response from his political opposites will be if he succeeds in being acquitted or even being convicted on reduced charge. Historically speaking it is to riot, loot, and burn

Better title, “Pratt announces his unborn child will be a Prat.”

It is nice of Canada to do this I suppose, but how will other countries react to a passport that has no gender designation?

So first it was because he didn’t want to, then it was because the basement that wasn’t flooded was flooded, now it is because no one asked. Make with the Mea Culpa before you dig yourself into the depths too far there Joel.

Trailer loads are strictly regulated and checked frequently. Batteries are heavy. For a cargo hauling company putting batteries on the trailer means losing money and is thus a non-starter.