
Adding weight to the trailer means reducing its load carrying capacity which is strictly regulated and frequently checked by law enforcement at weigh stations. Unless the benefits from adding the systems are such that they offset the loss in cargo capacity they would not be added. Additional battery packs are

He also looks like Jerry Seinfeld.

If Trump didn’t go he would be blasted in the media. If Trump did an overflight to see from the air he would have been blasted in the media. If Trump went in a convoy with prefurb houses on pontoons and college scholarships for all out of his own pockets, he would be blasted in the media.

I suppose I should tell Generals of Monrovia, 340ml, Project Black Pantera and Crystal Axis that because I like their music its no good.

Is it not just possible that the music he makes sucks? I gotta say that from what I am hearing that seems to be attributable to him its just not good.

When did tossing fire bombs at people shift from an offensive to a defensive mode?

It is also the uniform adopted by Antifa. The Neo-Nazis are more about polo shirts and Mil-Surp.

Still unanswered, the question of how moving the traffic underground changes anything other than whether or not you can see it on the surface.

Actually he didn’t make reusable rockets land on their tails, NASA did, they just didn’t do anything with it. Then other companies did it. Musk then came along and was the first to try commercializing it. Actually come to think of it Doctor Goddard may have done it before any of them, though in his case it wasn’t

Sorry, still not anything particularly remarkable vs. historical records.

The ideal place to be in a Hurricane is somewhere it is not. Barring that the rules are similar to those of surviving a Tornado except for one thing, the basement and ground floors are a really bad idea. The reason for this is simple, flooding.

You must be a recent arrival then. Hurricanes and the long rains that come with them used to be very common. Until Harvey we were in the midst of a record setting hurricane drought for the state.

“Bryan Norcross, of The Weather Channel, told CNN: “This is like nothing we’ve ever seen before.”

BLM Supporters have rioted, committed arson, done their own graffiti and gone to through the work of a lot of other criminal activity both minor and major in the name of their cause. Trust me when I say that due to prior acts definitely known to be attributable to the group a single tagging is not going to hurt their

Sorry, not going to get much sympathy from me on this, this was a preventable accident. It simply is not a good idea to go wandering around in the street at night in poorly lit areas without high visibility clothing on even if it is not the law. Just get your business done earlier when it is still light out or don’t

Wal-Mart and other stores that operate with distribution warehouses wouldn’t go for it. Their delivery model requires more flexibility and multiple deliveries by the truck per day. The charging time for a Model S with the small battery is still three and a half hours from empty. in the case of a big truck it will be

Yeah, won’t work. UPS Trucks need more range than this between the length of delivery paths and the stop and go traffic they live in. What you are taliking about here is a model where they will have to buy two trucks instead of one, possibly even three, just to keep work proceeding at the same rate. That is seriously

If they can get the full charge time down to the point where it takes only as long as loading a trailer that might be viable. If it takes as long as unloading and loading then it becomes a losing money proposition. That assumes the company isn’t already working on a model of more trailers than trucks so that they can

The police have videos of this event, they were present as witnesses, the photos that have been released by the press and protesters look to support what they are saying. They arrested the driver and will probably be charging said same with evading arrest.

You did see the police statement right?