
Sorry to break it to you, but this is a perfectly legitimate reason to run people over. Private protection services teach using cars as weapons against mobs as do the Secret Service. There are even specific laws that govern this situation.

So it is OK to put yourself and others at risk of injury or death while committing the crime of destroying public property with a truck/crane/your bare hands, but explosives are right out?

Nobody died or was injured because the Police intercepted the perpetrator before the bomb was set. Because of that he will face lesser charges and be out earlier. Also, there is no indication that he was politically motivated, he could quite easily just be a few bricks short of a wall. Either way there is no

“Why is the word “swole” never mentioned in the list of great black inventions?”

“Who goes to visit Howard University for lunch?”

Kaepernick’s family, friends and coworkers were all surprised by his protest. Not because they didn’t expect him to do it, but because he had never given any indication he cared to anyone.

Honestly its a kinda bland standard issue promotional stock photo...

Boaty McBoatface Memorial Highway.

“Only about 20–40 people showed up to attend the rally, many of them supporters of President Donald Trump. They were quickly swarmed and shouted down by an estimated 20,000 counterdemonstrators, or more.”

I did not say it was the ideal solution, or even the correct one, but leaving the sub prime mortgage and derivatives crisis to sort itself out was not the answer either.

Since subtlety and considered thought seem beyond your ken allow me to be blunt.

I suppose an extended and brutal economic collapse similar to the actual great depression would have been prefferable to you.

Perhaps you could do a follow up on modern slavery? This was an interesting and informative read.

A long time ago Six Flags wasn’t a place with a bunch of corporate mascots, rides, and places to buy really unhealthy food. The Six Flags originally meant something. There were activities that taught people about where those flags came from and what they really meant to the Republic and later the state of Texas. There

Those would fall under, “WYPIPO,” according to the author’s description. Though I have to disagree with their belief that this is not a racist term. It could actually be considered as a form of hate speech.

I would like to Make America Great Again.

You really need to take a look at the death tolls of the world wars and the destruction caused. Maybe paruse the horrors, still ongoing, of the Vietnam war. Potentially you could consider the effects of modern war and modern medicine when applied to our current conflicts. While you are at it remember to look into one

Is explaining to your customers at a chain restaraunt why the prices for this particular restaraunt are higher than at other locations really dishonest?

Thats just bad doctors. Report them to their superiors if they have them, to the BBB if they don’t. I’ve had more than a few like that in my time unfortunately. I hope you find a decent doctor soon.

A number of companies have already suggested, and patented, similar systems. None of them have generated enough interest from either car makers or fuel companies to generate anything more than trial systems.