von Hillesheim

ummm... have you ever touched your front brake (bicycle or motorized bicycle) when sliding around a corner? to say life sucks in a hurry would simply not capture the utter mayhem that would occur. They don’t have front brakes because they’re useless. Most don’t even have rear brakes

I believe this is the type of bike in question:

APC - do you guys sit on little stories like this for filler on slow news days (or certain times of the day)? Or do you post stuff as soon as you find them?

It’s a flat-track bike, which do not allow front brakes in order to force the riders to slide more.

........I think a certain manager at Mclaren needs to have a nice long chat about things.

You might be thinking of Gemballa. However, he actually did end up murdered in Africa.

Also, all new riders should do themselves a favor and follow ATGATT for at least a year until they develop their skills.

Having done a bit of the consumer advocacy beat in my job, you know what I’ve learned? New media and tech are absolute magnets for these guys.

While I am the type of person who can appreciate the stereo aftermarket, it doesn’t belong in a car like this. Imagine first discovering a Kid Rock tattoo on a girl you picked up from the bar. Both are marks of careless immaturity that cross a certain threshold and beg the question, “What other regrettable choices has

Part of it, sadly, is just the nature of the game and we, as readers of generally free stuff, should probably keep that in mind but all the same there’s a tenuously justifiable sense of entitlement by those long-timers who think maybe this should be done that way or that should be done this way.