von Funnyname

LOL you think Dawson Leery invented these tropes? Let me introduce you to my good buddy John Cusack...

100% agree RE: litter!

Kraft Macaroni & Cheese. Accept no substitutes.

No one is more dangerous than someone who truly believes they were chosen by god to do something. 

There’s gonna be one more installment!

Because the celebritization of voice casting is fucking stupid and makes it harder for actual voice actors to find work.

The show won eight Emmys during its first season, at the height of its popularity.

A can of Krylon can fix that pattern in a jiffy.

THANK YOU for saying this. I also came from a family where not only my mother got fucked over, but almost every single one of my aunts got fucked over. And some of those women are still in their marriages and tell me they’re happy. But, they sure as fuck don’t look happy.

I’m sure it’s because I’m a barren millennial spinster with no prospects but I’m also sure it’s because I watched my mother and aunts struggle in their relationships with men that I am convinced that marriages with men are a true dice roll in life.

If he doesn't get a Bollywood dance number, I riot.

Murdock, Nelson *& Page*

That’s my answer! Charlie Fucking Cox. 

Charlie Cox as Matt Murdock.

Shut the fuck up.

“Its like a fucking law now or something, they just cant adapt something and leave ALL of it intact, AS IS.”

This has nothing to do with this article, but I really enjoy all of your fitness posts.  I find that I consistently click through to them even when they may be less applicable to me.

tell me you didn’t read the article without telling me you didn’t read the article

Of course they’re not. They’re on a break.