
Is it that horrible? I just started with Witcher 3, played a few rounds in the pub where you first get the cardgame.. I do ear ill be spending yet another 100 hours, because that completionist inside feels that need to do all sidequests. But so far im loooooving the game. Its not like Assassins Creed where i get bored

So al lot of hype and big words by Microsoft, but so far... quite underwhelming. I wouldnt jump on the Xbone for this at least.

Omg.. just.. gorgeous.. I would pick up Overwatch just to play these games :|

Dont make it sound like Nintendo makes such a big deal out of it. They finally did what they should have done a long time ago. Now is the time you can STOP whining about it okay? This has been said so many times before it becomes exhausting and boring.

Its exactly like you put it. Spreading hat message ‘terrorism is horrible’.. It wouldnt surprise me if it was some sort of propaganda to justify why ‘we’ (as in Westerners) killing poeople by the thousands. Whats the count in the middle east right now? 150 000 or something? Also wasnt the military sponsoring one of

Because fight sticks actually work perfect on fighting games. Xbox controllers though???.... Dear god. Actually got a Mad Catz replacement because it was unbearable. I really dont believe this one will do the same. Then again you probably wont be getting the Xbone for fighting games anyway. At least not for SF5. But

Flawless Victory

In that case you are either misinformed or just stupid. Taking your PS2 graphics remark in account, stupid sounds appropriate.